NY Traffic Ticket Lawyer

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I am your NY & NJ Speeding & Traffic ticket lawyer. I have resolved over 23,000+ tickets in NY and NJ since 2003. I know the "game." Once you tell me where you got the ticket in New York or New Jersey, I can tell you how many points you are facing, what the potential fines are, what my fee is and the potential impact on your insurance. IF YOU DON'T NEED A NEW YORK TRAFFIC LAWYER I WILL TELL YOU THAT ALSO, I PRIDE MYSELF ON BEING HONEST AND IF I CAN SAVE YOU THE MONEY OF HIRING A NY TRAFFIC ATTORNEY, I WILL TELL YOU. Contact me today for a FREE and HONEST consultation about your NY & NJ speeding and traffic tickets. Matisyahu Wolfberg, Esq.   Read NY Traffic Ticket Testimonials

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Los Angeles, CA

Elton Simmons has conducted more than 25,000 traffic stops in the past 20 years as a Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputy. But what's remarkable, his supervisors say, is counting all of the complaints lodged against him over those two decades. The tally: Zero. The last time 53-year-old Simmons received a complaint was in 1992, according to the Los Angeles Times. The lack of grievances seems practically unheard of for a law enforcement officer who deals daily with the public, handing out tickets in situations that can escalate into heated exchanges. With no complaints marring Simmons' record for so long, "Vegas or MIT could not give you the odds of the statistical probability of that," Capt. Pat Maxwell, who reviewed his personnel file recently, told CBS. Simmons spends his hours patroling on a motorcycle with a radar gun - akin to the 70s TV show "CHiPs." While he doesn't shirk writing tickets, he said, he follows a golden rule learned from a pastor in his native Louisiana: "Do good, be good, treat people good." "I'm here with you," Simmons told CBS News about the citizens he comes across. "I'm not up here. One thing I hate is to be looked down on - I can't stand it - so I'm not going to look down at you." Simmons' affable approach appears to endear him with motorists, some of whom end up apologizing for their lack of care. "You know what it is, it's his smile," ticketed driver Mike Viera told CBS News. "He's got a great smile. He's a nice guy. How could you be mad at that guy?" "Never so happy to get a ticket in my life," said another driver who was slapped with a summons. Drivers often trot out excuses when they're pulled over, ranging from being unfamiliar with the area to racing because they need a bathroom, Simmons said. In one case, a nervous 19-year-old was stopped for speeding and told the deputy he was late for work. Simmons gave him a warning, and asked him - in a fatherly way - to slow down, the Los Angeles Times said. Other cops hoping to avoid complaints can learn a lesson from Simmons, his superiors said. "Their excuse is, 'Well, I give tickets all day long, I'm going to get complaints,'" Maxwell told CBS News. "Well, that's not true. There is a way to do it - and Elton Simmons is the way."


Being mayor of America's 10th-largest city doesn't necessarily earn you a break from the black-and-whites when you're motoring about town, as San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed found out Tuesday morning when a cop ticketed him for a traffic violation on his way to work. Reed's office confirmed the mayor got a ticket at 7:35 a.m. for failing to use his turn signal at the intersection of North White and Mabury roads, 2.3 miles from his northeast San Jose home, while driving his Toyota Prius hybrid to City Hall. Reed's spokeswoman said the mayor was in the right-turn lane heading south on North White Road when an officer in a standard marked San Jose police sedan pulled him over and cited him for a violation of California Vehicle Code Section 22108. The Department of Motor Vehicles says that code section requires that "any signal of intention to turn right or left shall be given continuously during the last 100 feet traveled by the vehicle before turning." A DMV spokeswoman said Reed had no previous violations on his driving record. "I am a cautious driver, and this was my first ticket in decades," Reed said in a statement through his office. His spokeswoman said Reed hasn't decided whether to contest the citation, which she said carries a $35 fine, or to consider traffic school as an alternative to resolve the violation. Reed's ballot measure to reduce city pensions whose costs have more than tripled in a decade drew

Actually, Plaxico Burress got his speeding ticket back in early September, but it's easier to keep these things quiet when you're not actually an NFL player. Burress has a November court date for his ticket, which he garnered in Broward County, Fla. (He owns a home in Lighthouse Point.) According to Gossip Extra, Burress was pulled over for doing 50 mph over the 55 mph speed limit, and doing it on a motorcycle. The ticket will cost him $1,000, which we assume he can cover, but who knows? He owes a whole bunch in back taxes, and had a lien placed on his house over the summer. Add that to a series of increasingly desperate pleas to NFL teams to give him a shot, and...well, if anyone wants to start an Indiegogo for Plax's traffic ticket, probably wouldn't say no.

The 911 call Justin Bieber made when paparazzi were following him on Friday has been released, and in it the teen singing sensation can be heard telling a dispatcher that photographers were again pursuing him recklessly on a Los Angeles freeway. He also says police who ticketed him earlier when he had been trying to evade the pursuing paparazzi were "not nice" when he was trying to explain what was going on. In the recording, which was obtained by radio station LA96.3FM and posted on TMZ, Bieber sounds tentative as he tells the dispatcher: "Um, I have like, five cars following me," he said. The dispatcher asks the 18-year-old star his name, and he replies: "Justin." When she asks for his last name, he pauses, then answers, "Johnson." Bieber made the call after he was ticketed earlier that day for speeding, and he's said he was driving fast to evade the aggressive paparazzi. In that incident, police stopped the "Boyfriend" singer in his sports car a $100,000 Fisker Karma and gave him a ticket for driving more than 65 miles per hour. In his 911 call, Bieber tells the dispatcher that the same paparazzi who had been pursuing him earlier were tailing him again as he was headed to work. "They're driving really reckless. They just will not stop following me," he said. The dispatcher asked him if he had been pulled over earlier, and he said he was, but then explained his side of the story: "I was driving fast so that I could try to get away from them and I got pulled over myself," he said. "When I explained to the police officers, they were being, like, not nice about it. "They were just like, 'You waive your rights to privacy when you're a celebrity.' But that makes absolutely no sense when they're the ones being dangerous," he said. Dennis Zine, a Los Angeles City Councilman who witnessed Bieber trying to evade paparazzi before being ticketed, said the pop star was driving recklessly. He said he believes the heartthrob should be arrested. "As I watched, I was anticipating a crash," Zine said. "It was chaos. Total willful disregard for people on the roadway." Plaxico Burress is the epitome of the athlete who had it all in his hands and threw it all away with an insanely stupid move. (For those who can't recall: In November 2008, the former NFL receiver shot himself in the leg in a club, which even now sounds like a fake scandal story generated by some gossip-spewing robot.) We bring up that story because everyone will always bring up that story until Burress cures cancer, walks on water or -- heaven forbid -- does something even dumber. And not so long ago, Burress gave the third option his best shot, driving a cool 125 mph in Broward County, Fla. That's 70 mph over the posted speed limit, and that's the kind of speed that draws notice from on high. Notice, perhaps, but not an attention to detail. According to TMZ, Burress' attorney noticed that the officer who caught Burress cited the incorrect law in writing the ticket. The officer corrected the error, but only after the fact. Free on a technicality, everyone! See, this is a great deal for Plax, but a problem for the rest of us trying beat -- er, take a closer look at -- our speeding tickets. They're going to pay a lot more attention to the bureaucratic details now, the same way they almost never put the wrong court date on there anymore. Alas. In unrelated news, Burress remains unemployed. Though if an NFL team called him, he'd apparently be able to get into camp in a hurry.

Syracuse, NY

More than 1,900 speeding tickets were issued to motorists on the New York State Thruway during the recent statewide "Operation Summer Brake" enforcement effort held the last week of August. State troopers issued more than 990,000 tickets in 2011, said Sgt.Thomas Ferritto. While troopers make up less than 6 percent of the law enforcement personnel in the state, in an average year they made about 30 percent of all driving while intoxicated arrests and issued 47 percent of all citations for violation of seat belt and child seat laws, and 55 percent of all speeding tickets, he said. CLARKSTOWN New York A Haverstraw man faces several criminal charges after he allegedly assaulted a New York State Trooper during a weekend traffic stop. Calvin R. Jefford, 25, of Haverstraw was stopped on Route 303 in Rockland County about 11:40 p.m. Saturday and found to be intoxicated, police said. He struggled with an arresting trooper, allegedly assaulting the trooper, while a passenger also attempted to interfere with the arrest, police said. The trooper was not seriously injured. Jefford was charged with assault on an officer, a felony in New York, driving while intoxicated, second-degree obstructing governmental administration and resisting arrest, misdemeanors. His passenger, Kerry A. McIntyre, 30, of Garnerville was charged with second-degree obstructing governmental administration, a misdemeanor, and disorderly conduct, a violation.

By Glenn Ruppel Every driver hates getting a ticket. So when you are pulled over, how do you minimize the damage to your wallet? First, realize the risk of serious danger to the officer is quite real. "Cops get killed on car stops," said Jerry Kane, 53, a retired New York Police Department officer. Kane said if you're pulled over, you should realize the officer will be on high alert. Watch the full story - including more dramatic secrets from cops and other professions - on "20/20: True Confessions" Friday at 10 p.m. ET "The most dangerous thing to the cop when he comes up to the car are the hands of someone, because they could hold a weapon," he said. Drivers and passengers have been known to come out shooting, a fact cops are well aware of as they walk up to your vehicle. "If he can see everybody's hands, immediately his blood pressure goes down, his pulse gets a bit slower," Kane said. "If it's nighttime, turn on the interior lights in your car. If it's night or day, lower all the windows on your car.  And put your hands up on the steering wheel - high, where the cop can see them." This may make the officer more understanding and lenient, Kane said. "If you were gonna get some discretion, you now set up that possibility." The officer may then ask if you know what you did wrong. Kane said to be apologetic, but don't feel you have to admit anything. "You can play dumb. You can say, 'What did I do?' And if he tells you what you did, you could say, 'I must have you know, I just didn't realize it,'" Kane said. Does it work to cry? "Only for women," Kane said, laughing. What if she shows a little leg? "Since men and women were created, attractive women get more breaks," Kane said. Finally, do as Kane does: keep your speed less than 10 miles per hour over the limit. "If you were my brother or my cousin and asked me, that's what I would tell you."


If you have an unpaid traffic ticket that's been gathering dust for three years or more, the state has a deal for you: Pay up during the first six months of 2012, and get 50 percent off. The one-time discount, authorized by a new state law, is designed to help both delinquent drivers and financially strapped state and local governments. The Administrative Office of the Courts expects the program to generate $46 million, based on a conservative estimate that 2 percent of the overdue fines will be collected, said Jessica Sanora, manager of the office's Enhanced Collections Unit. That means the current statewide tab is more than $900 million. "We believe it's due a lot to the economy. Because of the high fines, people are just unable to pay," Sanora said. The revenue will be divided among the state, cities, counties and courts. The discounts apply to fines that were due before the start of 2009 for any traffic violation except drunken or reckless driving. They do not cover parking tickets. Sanora said counties will have the option of limiting the discounts to traffic infractions, like running a red light or speeding, and excluding more serious violations punishable as misdemeanors, like driving with a suspended license. Traffic tickets are expensive in California because of a plethora of fees and surcharges added by the state and the counties over the years. The biggest is a civil assessment of up to $300 for drivers who fail to pay their fine when it is due or fail to show up in court. That money goes to a statewide fund to support Superior Court operations. Drivers with unpaid tickets are subject to the government's usual debt-collection practices, including confiscation of state tax refunds. California offered similar discounts in 1992 and 1996, Sanora said. She said the state collected $15.5 million in 1992 and has no figures available for 1996.

Rockland County, NY

New York troopers say they issued 141 tickets to motorists for having unrestrained or improperly restrained children in their vehicles found during a weekend traffic detail at a state park. They say the checkpoint Sunday morning at the entrance to Lake Welch State Park in Rockland County showed youngsters lacking required child seats, booster seats, seatbelts or some combination of those. Drivers were issued tickets returnable to Stony Point Town Court. State police say the checkpoint tickets are part of a summer-long effort to ensure the safety of children in vehicles.

Coasting down the tree-lined Sprain Brook Parkway outside New York City, State Trooper Imani Kirkland scans his eyes from driver to driver, on the prowl for people violating the state's ban on using cell phones behind the wheel. "Got one," he announces. Within a moment, Kirkland triggers a switch and the red and blue lights of his unmarked police SUV illuminate. He changes lanes and signals to the driver of the Ford E-250 to pull over. The driver throws his hands up in exasperation, hurriedly tossing his cell phone to the passenger seat. The attempt to conceal his phone is in vain, as are his desperate arguments that the call was for work. Kirkland issues him a citation. Kirkland is on the the front lines of a New York state crackdown on distracted driving. As a two-hour ride in his vehicle on a recent afternoon made clear, his is a target-rich environment. Even as many drivers now understand that phone use while behind the wheel is dangerous, they feel powerless to resist in the face of work and social pressures that demand connectivity. so second nature for people to use their phones," Kirkland said. It's like a new appendage.  New York is one of 11 states that bans the use of hand-held phones in cars for all drivers, but that doesn't mean people always cooperate. In a mere two hours on the Westchester County highway, Kirkland ticketed nine drivers. Six said they were using their phone for work. Reactions ranged from resentment to resignation, although some drivers offered bizarre explanations for their phone use. One young woman driving a Honda Odyssey had her eyes glued to her phone's GPS. She had a corpse and casket in the back of the car. ny state trooper

Elmira, NY

It always seemed like Jeanine Pirro couldn't get out of Elmira fast enough. But on Sunday she was apparently in a rush to get there. The Fox News celebrity and former Westchester district attorney was ticketed by a state trooper Sunday for driving 119 miles per hour in the Southern Tier town of Nichols. A spokeswoman for the New York State Police said Pirro was pulled over at 1:15 p.m. on Route 17. The speed limit there is 65 miles per hour. Nichols is about 25 miles from Elmira, where Pirro grew up. Pirro got on the line when a reporter called a relatives home in Elmira Monday afternoon. But she hung up when asked about the ticket. After a stint as a Westchester County judge, the former prosecutor became district attorney in 1994. She served three terms then opted not to run for a fourth in 2005 so that she could challenge Hillary Clinton in the race for U.S. Senate the following year. That contest got off to a horrible start when Pirro lost a page of her speech and stood silent in front of the microphones for more than 30 seconds. She gave up the race months later, opting instead to run for New York attorney general. She lost the election to now-Gov. Andrew Cuomo. For the past several years Pirro has had her own show on Fox News, "Justice with Judge Jeanine." Pirro put her Harrison home on the market for just under $5 million in 2015.

Have you received a 2 point Failure to obey a lawful order in Queens North TVB, a 2 Point Failed to use care in Ramapo Town Court, a 2 Point Crossing over Double Yellow Line in Manhattan South TVB, a 11 Point School Zone Speeding in Manhattan North TVB, a 11 Point Speeding in Brooklyn South TVB, a 2 Point Blocking Driver's view in Bronx TVB, a 2 Point Careless Driving in Orangetown Town Court, a 2 Point Careless Driving in Staten Island TVB, a 2 Point Cell Phone in Spring Valley Village Court, a 2 Point Crossing over Double Yellow Line in Clarkstown Town Court, a 2 Point Driving on Shoulder in NCTPVA a 2 Point driving on sidewalk in Suffolk County TVB, a 2 Point Fail to signal in Greenburgh Town Court, a 2 Point Fail to signal in Bedford Town Court, a 2 Point Failed to use care in Queens South TVB, a 2 Point Failure to comply with lawful order in Yonkers City Court, - Traffic Part, a 2 point Failure to obey a lawful order in East Fishkill Town Court, a 2 Point Failure to signal in Brooklyn North TVB, a 2 Point Failure to Turn as Required in Tuxedo Town Court, a 2 Point Failure to yield to pedestrian (NJ) in Wallkill Town Court, a 2 Point improper Turn in Cortlandville Town Court, a 2 point speeding in Harrison Town Court, a 2 Unsafe Backing in Woodbury Town Court, a 3 Cell phone ticket in Mamakating Town Court, a 3 Drove to the left of pavement markings in Chestnut Ridge Village Court, a 3 Point Child not in seatbelt in Liberty Town Court, a 3 point disobey green arrow in Manhattan Criminal Court (346 Broadway) , a 3 Point driving wrong way on one-way street (VTL 1127A) in Palisades Interstate Park Police Court, a 3 point Failure to keep right in AuSable Town Court, a 3 Point Failure to Yield in Southeast Town Court, a 3 Point Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle in White Plains City Court,

 Email Me Your Ticket

Or, a 3 Point failure to yield to police in Athens Town Court, a 3 point improper Passing in Schroon Town Court, a 3 Point interfering with safe operation in Haverstraw Town Court, a 3 Point non-work zone Speeding in Barker Town Court, a 3 point Red Light in Chesterfield Town Court, a 3 Point Speeding in Cornwall Town Court, a 3 Point Speeding ticket in Schuyler Town Court, a 3 Point Stop Sign in Amherst Town Court, a 3 Point Stop Sign in Avoca Town Court, a 3 point Unsafe Lane Change in Chenango Town Court, a 3 point Unsafe Passing in Newburgh Town Court, a 3 Point Unsafe U-Turn in Stony Point Town Court, a 3 Point Work Zone Speeding in Thompson Town Court, a 3 Points in Canada Speeding in Bronx Criminal Court, a 39:4-97.2 (No Point Unsafe Driving) in Mount Pleasant Town Court, a 4 Point Following too closely in Chester Town Court, a 4 Point Improper Passing in Lewis Town Court, a 4 Point School Zone Speeding in Suffern Village Court, a 4 Point Speeding in Ulster Town Court, a 4 Point Work Zone Speeding in Goshen Town Court, a 5 Point Following too Closely in Catskill Town Court, a 5 Point Passing School Bus in New Rochelle City Court, a 5 Point Racing on Highway (39:4-52) in Plattsburgh Town Court, a 5 Point Reckless Driving in Stanford Town Court, a 5 Point Speeding in Kirkwood Town Court, a 6 Point School Zone Speeding in Glen Town Court, a 6 Point Speeding in Queens Criminal Court, a 6 Point Work Zone Speeding in Yorktown Town Court, a 8 Point School Zone Speeding in Monroe Town Court, a 8 Point Speeding in Claverack Town Court, a 8 Point Work Zone Speeding in Albany City Court, a Adult Seatbelt in North Castle Town Court, a Aggr Unlicen Driver 2nd in Chazy Town Court, a Aggravated Unlicensed Driver in South Nyack Village Court, a Avoiding an intersection in Highlands Town Court,

Or, a Broken Speedometer (no Point) in Pembroke Town Court , a Cellphone in Putnam Valley Town Court, a Code Violation in Hancock Town Court, a Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in Sloatsburg Village Court, a Criminal Possession of Marijuana in the 5th in Kent Town Court, a Dangerous Driving in Bethlehem Town Court, a Dismissed in Colonie Town Court, a disobey green arrow in Orleans Town Court, a Disorderly Conduct in Dickinson Town Court, a driving in center lane in Southampton Town Court, a driving on shoulder in Pamelia Town Court, a Driving on the wrong way in Brutus Town Court, a Driving too Slowly in Islandia Village Court, a Driving with ability impaired in LaGrange Town Court, a Drove across hazard markings in Blooming Grove Town Court, a Drove to the left of pavement markings in Windsor Town Court, a Drunk Driving in North Hudson Town Court, a Endangering the Welfare of a Child in Chester Village Court, a Expired license in Lisle Town Court, a Expired Registration in Tonawanda Town Court, a Facilitating Aggravated Unlicensed Driver (non-criminal) in Rockland Town Court, a Failed to remove debris from highway in New Paltz Town Court, a Failed to use designated lane in Rotterdam Town Court, a Failure to dim high-beams 2 point in Stafford Town Court, a Failure to notify DMV of change of address in Hillburn Village Court, a Failure to Obey a traffic control device -VTL 1110a (2 point) in Lewiston Town Court, a Failure to Obey a traffic control device -VTL 1110a (2 point) in New Square Village Court,

Or perhaps, a Failure to produce documentation in Chester Town Court , a Failure to use designated lane in Saugerties Town Court, a Failure to use flashers in Champlain Town Court, a Failure to use hand signals (should be no points in Canada) in Tyre Town Court, a Harassment in Wilton Town Court, a High 4 Point Speeding in Elizabethtown Town Court, a High 5 Point Speeding in Princetown Town Court, a High 6 Point Speeding in Sanford Town Court, a High 8 Point Speeding in Junius Town Court, a HOV lane violation in Bergen County Municipal Court, a Improper Plates in Wheatland Town Court, a improper U-turn 2 point in Wesley Hills Village Court, a Imprudent speed in Salina Town Court, a interfered with safe operation (3 point) in West Seneca Town Court, a Lane Violation in Nyack Village Court, a leaking unwholesome substance in Motion Calendar a leaving an abandoned vehicle in Danube Town Court, a Leaving Scene Accident Personal Injury in Gallatin Town Court, a Leaving Scene Accident Property Damage in Florida Town Court, a Leaving the Scene of an injury accident in Esopus Town Court, a Littering in New Baltimore Town Court, a Local violation in Fort Lee Municipal Court, a Log Book Violation (criminal) in Marathon Town Court, a No Commercial Vehicle on Highway in Coeymans Town Court, a No Helmet in North Salem Town Court, a No HUT permit in Coxsackie Town Court, a No Passing in Wawayanda Town Court, a No Point Administrative Code in Cohocton Town Court, a No Point Cellphone ticket in Phelps Town Court, a No point equipment violation in Plattekill Town Court, a No Point leaving car unattended in Goshen Village Court, a No point leaving vehicle unattended in Grand Island Town Court, a No Point Seatbelt in Manchester Town Court, a No point unsafely opening a car door in Cortlandt Town Court, a No Points in Canada in Milan Town Court, a No Safety Chain (misd) in Dunkirk Town Court, a No U-Turn in Cheektowaga Town Court,

 Email Me Your NY Traffic Ticket

Or perhaps, a Non Criminal No Points License Violation in Airmont Village Court , a Non-Criminal administrative section in Ossining Town Court, a Non-Speeding Sign Violation in Otego Town Court, a Obstructed windshield in Wawarsing Town Court, a Obstructing Government Administration in Patterson Town Court, a Obstructing Traffic in Austerlitz Town Court, a Obstructing windshield for vision in Elmsford Village Court, a Off Truck Route (2 point) in Elizabeth Municipal Court, a open container of alcohol in Appellate Term - 9th and 10th Judicial Districts a Operating out of Class in Jersey City Municipal Court, a Operating while Registration Susp or Revoked in Queensbury Town Court, a Overweight Vehicle in Taghkanic Town Court, a Palisades Interstate Park Sign Violation in Clifton Municipal Court, a Parking in Shandaken Town Court, a Shoplifting in Niagara Falls City Court, a Speed Contest in Groveland Town Court, a Speeding in Mt. Vernon City Court, a Spill back - blocking the box in Amity Town Court, a Suspended Driver in Le Roy Town Court, a Suspended Registration in Mahwah Municipal Court, a Trespassing in Sheridan Town Court, a Turn Signal Violation in Watertown Town Court, a Unauthorized use of trailer in Teaneck Municipal Court, a Unclear Plates in Kingston City Court, a Uninspected Vehicle in Sullivan Town Court, a Uninsured in Victor Town Court, a Unlawful Possession of Marijuana in Ravena Village Court, a Unlicensed Driver (VTL 509) in Dansville Town Court, a Unregistered motor vehicle in Niagara Town Court, a Unsafe Merge in Scarsdale Village Court, a Unsafe Passing in Van Buren Town Court,

Or perhaps, a Unsafe start in Paramus Municipal Court, a Village ordinance in North Hills Village Court, a Violation in Pequannock Municipal Court, a VTL 1175 in Ossining Village Court, a VTL 1175 - Obstructing an intersection (2 point) in Fallsburg Town Court, a VTL 1201(a) Stop/Park Violation in Fishkill Town Court, a Weaving between lanes in Colchester Town Court, a 11 Point School Zone Speeding in Clinton Town Court, a 11 Point School Zone Speeding in Portland Town Court, a 2 Point Driving on Shoulder in Tully Town Court, a 11 Point School Zone Speeding in Triangle Town Court, a 11 Point Speeding in Westport Town Court, a 2 Point Blocking Driver's view in Fultonville Village Court, a 2 Point Careless Driving in Rye Town Court, a 2 Point Careless Driving in Worcester Town Court, a 2 Point Cell Phone in DeWitt Town Court, a 2 Point Crossing over Double Yellow Line in Dobbs Ferry Village Court, a 2 Point Driving on Shoulder in Adams Town Court, a 2 Point driving on sidewalk in LaFayette Town Court, a 2 Point Fail to signal in New Windsor Town Court, a 2 Point Fail to signal in Halfmoon Town Court, a 2 Point Failed to use care in Vestal Town Court, a 2 Point Failure to comply with lawful order in Liberty Village Court, a 2 point Failure to obey a lawful order in Verona Town Court, a 2 Point Failure to signal in Poughkeepsie Town Court, a 2 Point Failure to Turn as Required in Lloyd Town Court, a 2 Point Failure to yield to pedestrian (NJ) in Ashland Town Court, a 2 Point improper Turn in Pleasant Valley Town Court, a 2 point speeding in Lake George Town Court, a 2 Unsafe Backing in Tarrytown Village Court, a 3 Cell phone ticket in Canajoharie Town Court, a 3 Drove to the left of pavement markings in Wayland Town Court, a 3 Point Child not in seatbelt in Patterson a 3 point disobey green arrow in Nichols Town Court, a 3 Point driving wrong way on one-way street (VTL 1127A) in Duanesburg Town Court, a 3 point Failure to keep right in Bolton Town Court, a 3 Point Failure to Yield in Afton Town Court, a 3 Point Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle in Monroe Village Court, a 3 Point failure to yield to police in Bethel Town Court, a 3 point improper Passing in Farmington Town Court, a 3 Point interfering with safe operation in Ellenville Village Court, a 3 Point non-work zone Speeding in Woodridge Village Court, a 3 point Red Light in Kingston Town Court, a 3 Point Speeding in Binghamton City Court,

Or perhaps, a 3 Point Speeding ticket in Lynbrook Village Court , a 3 Point Stop Sign in Junius Town Court, (Dublin) a 3 Point Stop Sign in Lewisboro Town Court, a 3 point Unsafe Lane Change in Nassau County 1st District Court, a 3 point Unsafe Passing in Union Town Court, a 3 Point Unsafe U-Turn in Olive Town Court, a 3 Point Work Zone Speeding in Chatham Town Court, a 3 Points in Canada Speeding in Savona Village Court, a 39:4-97.2 (No Point Unsafe Driving) in Clifton Park Town Court, a 4 Point Following too closely in Mamaroneck Town Court, a 4 Point Improper Passing in Horseheads Town Court, a 4 Point School Zone Speeding in Rye City Court, a 4 Point Speeding in Minden Town Court, a 4 Point Work Zone Speeding in Henrietta Town Court, a 5 Point Following too Closely in Geddes Town Court, a 5 Point Passing School Bus in Brooklyn Criminal Court, a 5 Point Racing on Highway (39:4-52) in Somers Town Court, a 5 Point Reckless Driving in North Dansville Town Court, a 5 Point Speeding in Erwin Town Court, a 6 Point School Zone Speeding in Mamaroneck Village Court, a 6 Point Speeding in Yonkers Criminal Court, a 6 Point Work Zone Speeding in East Hills Village Court, a 8 Point School Zone Speeding in Eastchester Town Court, a 8 Point Speeding in Staten Island Criminal Court, a 8 Point Work Zone Speeding in Woodbridge Municipal Court, a Adult Seatbelt in Passaic City Municipal Court, a Aggr Unlicensed Driver 2nd in Root Town Court, a Aggravated Unlicensed Driver in Paterson Municipal Court, a Avoiding an intersection in Port Chester Village Court, a Broken Speedometer (no Point) in Schodack Town Court, a Cellphone in Hanover Town Court, a Code Violation in Hastings Town Court, a Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in Mt. Olive Municipal Court, a Criminal Possession of Marijuana in the 5th in Batavia Town Court,

Or perhaps, a Dangerous Driving in New Castle Town Court , a Dismissed in Highland Town Court, a disobey green arrow in Grandview Justice Court, a Disorderly Conduct in Bergenfield Municipal Court, a driving in center lane in Bath Town Court, a driving on shoulder in German Flatts Town Court, a Driving on the wrong way in Newark Municipal Court, a Driving too Slowly in Bayonne Municipal Court, a Driving with ability impaired in Carmel Town Court, a Drove across hazard markings in Suffolk County 1st District Court, a Drove to the left of pavement markings in Friendship Town Court, a Drunk Driving in Ardsley Village Court, a Endangering the Welfare of a Child in Peru Town Court, a Expired license in Malta Town Court, a Expired Registration in Dryden Town Court, a Facilitating Aggravated Unlicensed Driver (non-criminal) in Westmoreland Town Court, a Failed to remove debris from highway in Deposit Town Court, a Failed to use designated lane in Piscataway Municipal Court, a Failure to dim high-beams 2 point in Lake Success Village Court, a Failure to notify DMV of change of address in Cicero Town Court, a Failure to Obey a traffic control device -VTL 1110a (2 point) in Clarence Town Court, a Failure to Obey a traffic control device -VTL 1110a (2 point) in Sandy Creek Town Court, a Failure to produce documentation in Saratoga Springs City Court, a Failure to use designated lane in Sidney Town Court, a Failure to use flashers in Schoharie Town Court, a Failure to use hand signals (should be no points in Canada) in Riverdale Boro Municipal Court, a Harassment in Tusten Town Court, a High 4 Point Speeding in East Brunswick Municipal Court,

Or perhaps, a High 5 Point Speeding in Secaucus Municipal Court , a High 6 Point Speeding in Buffalo TVB, a High 8 Point Speeding in Maryland Town Court, a HOV lane violation in Indian Lake Town Court, a Improper Plates in Ellisburg Town Court, a improper U-turn 2 point in Parsippany Troy Hills Mun Ct a Imprudent speed in Warwick Village Court, a interfered with safe operation (3 point) in Midtown Community Court, a Lane Violation in Weehawken Municipal Court, a leaking unwholesome substance in Ashford Town Court, a leaving an abandoned vehicle in Mount Morris Village Court, a Leaving Scene Accident Personal Injury in Menands Village Court, a Leaving Scene Accident Property Damage in Ho-Ho-Kus Boro Municipal Ct a Leaving the Scene of an injury accident in Martinsburg Town Court, a Littering in Manhattan Criminal Court, (100 Centre Street) a Local violation in Union Township a Log Book Violation (criminal) in Alexandria Town Court, a No Commercial Vehicle on Highway in Kearny Municipal Court, a No Helmet in Howard Town Court, a No HUT permit in Monticello Village Court, a No Passing in Mentz Town Court, a No Point Administrative Code in Ticonderoga Town Court, a No Point Cellphone ticket in Freeport Village Court, a No point equipment violation in Poughkeepsie City Court, a No Point leaving car unattended in Riverhead Town Court, a No point leaving vehicle unattended in Old Westbury Village Court, a No Point Seatbelt in Ridgewood Municipal Court, a No point unsafely opening a car door in DMV Suspension Hearing a No Points in Canada in Dover Town Court, a No Safety Chain (misd) in Canajoharie Village Court, a No U-Turn in Pelham Town Court, a Non Criminal No Points License Violation in Tannersville Village Court, a Non-Criminal administrative section in Depew Village Court, a Non-Speeding Sign Violation in Peekskill City Court,

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Or perhaps, a Obstructed windshield in Preble Town Court , a Obstructing Government Administration in East Rutherford Boro Court, a Obstructing Traffic in Ellicottville Village Court , a Obstructing windshield for vision in Ellicott Town Court, a Off Truck Route (2 point) in Pittstown Town Court, a open container of alcohol in Tioga Town Court, a Operating out of Class in Edison Municipal Court, a Operating while Registration Suspended or Revoked in Syracuse City Court, a Overweight Vehicle in Covington Town Court, a Palisades Interstate Park Sign Violation in Cold Spring Village Court, a Parking in Greenville Town Court, a Shoplifting in Copake Town Court, a Speed Contest in Cortland City Court, a Speeding in Union City Municipal Court, a Spill back - blocking the box in Wanaque Boro Municipal Court, a Suspended Driver in Utica City Court, a Suspended Registration in Virgil Town Court, a Trespassing in Ghent Town Court, a Turn Signal Violation in Croton-on-Hudson Village Court, a Unauthorized use of trailer in North Harmony Town Court, a Unclear Plates in Chili Town Court, a Uninspected Vehicle in Chesterfield Municipal Court, a Uninsured in Cherry Valley Town Court, a Unlawful Possession of Marijuana in Deerfield Town Court, a Unlicensed Driver (VTL 509) in Angelica Town Court, a Unregistered motor vehicle in Lenox Town Court, a Unsafe Merge in Leonia Municipal Court, a Unsafe Passing in Lackawanna City Court, a Unsafe start in Colton Town Court, a Village ordinance in Denville Twp Municipal Court, a Violation in Cochecton Town Court, a VTL 1175 in Brooklyn Criminal Court, (arraingments 346 Broadway) a VTL 1175 - Obstructing an intersection (2 point) in Greenwich Twp Municipal Court, a VTL 1201(a) Stop/Park Violation in Hammond Town Court, a Weaving between lanes in Hamptonburgh Town Court, a 2 Point Fail to signal in Bethany Town Court,

Or perhaps, a 2 Point Driving on Shoulder in Greece Town Court, a 2 Point Failed to use care in Hardyston Municipal Court , a 11 Point School Zone Speeding in Harrington Park Boro Court, a 11 Point Speeding in Grand View-on-Hudson Village Court, a 2 Point Blocking Driver's view in Boston Town Court, a 2 Point Careless Driving in Glen Cove City Court, a 2 Point Careless Driving in Geneseo Town Court, a 2 Point Cell Phone in Elmira Town Court, a 2 Point Crossing over Double Yellow Line in Herkimer Town Court, a 2 Point Driving on Shoulder in Eden Town Court, a 2 Point driving on sidewalk in Batavia City Court, a 2 Point Fail to signal in Hoboken Municipal Court, a 2 Point Fail to signal in First District Court, a 2 Point Failed to use care in Homer Town Court, a 2 Point Failure to comply with lawful order in Canaan Town Court, a 2 point Failure to obey a lawful order in Fair Lawn Municipal Court, a 2 Point Failure to signal in Elmwood Park Municipal Court, a 2 Point Failure to Turn as Required in Hunter Town Court, a 2 Point Failure to yield to pedestrian (NJ) in Hyde Park Town Court, a 2 Point improper Turn in Hackensack Municipal Court, a 2 point speeding in Canastota Village Court, a 2 Unsafe Backing in Franklin Lakes Boro Court, a 3 Cell phone ticket in Garden City Village Court, a 3 Drove to the left of pavement markings in Montezuma Town Court, a 3 Point Child not in seatbelt in Mount Hope Town Court, a 3 point disobey green arrow in South Brunswick Twp Court, a 3 Point driving wrong way on one-way street (VTL 1127A) in Wappingers Falls Village Court, a 3 point Failure to keep right in Moreau Town Court, a 3 Point Failure to Yield in Pittsford Town Court, a 3 Point Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle in Sidney Village Court,

Or perhaps, a 3 Point failure to yield to police in Maywood Borough Municipal Court , a 3 point improper Passing in Trenton Town Court, a 3 Point interfering with safe operation in Springville Village Court, a 3 Point non-work zone Speeding in Shawangunk Town Court, a 3 point Red Light in Warwick Town Court, a 3 Point Speeding in Washington Township Municipal Court, (Bergen County) a 3 Point Speeding ticket in Washington Twp Municipal Court, (Morris County) a 3 Point Stop Sign in Wayne Municipal Court, a 3 Point Stop Sign in Saugerties Village Court, a 3 point Unsafe Lane Change in Mendham Twp Municipal Court, a 3 point Unsafe Passing in Mooers Town Court, a 3 Point Unsafe U-Turn in New Brunswick Municipal Court, a 3 Point Work Zone Speeding in Old Brookville Village Court, a 3 Points in Canada Speeding in Tupper Lake Town Court, a 39:4-97.2 (No Point Unsafe Driving) in North Brunswick Municipal Court, a 4 Point Following too closely in North Bergen Municipal Court, a 4 Point Improper Passing in Non-Taxable income a 4 Point School Zone Speeding in Tinton Falls Municipal Court, a 4 Point Speeding in Ulysses Town Court, a 4 Point Work Zone Speeding in Sparta Twp Municipal Court, a 5 Point Following too Closely in Rosendale Town Court, a 5 Point Passing School Bus in Palmyra Village Court, a 5 Point Racing on Highway (39:4-52) in Valley Stream Village Court, a 5 Point Reckless Driving in Orchard Park Town Court, a 5 Point Speeding in Oswegatchie Town Court, a 6 Point School Zone Speeding in Oswego City Court, a 6 Point Speeding in Waddinton Town Court,

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Or maybe, a 6 Point Work Zone Speeding in Wall Township Municipal Ct a 8 Point School Zone Speeding in Port Jervis City Court , a 8 Point Speeding in Unknown Court, a 8 Point Work Zone Speeding in Richfield Town Court, a Adult Seatbelt in Ridgefield Boro Municipal Court, a Aggravated Unlicensed Driver 2nd in Lockport City Court, a Aggravated Unlicensed Driver in Masonville Town Court, a Avoiding an intersection in Little Falls Municipal Court, a Broken Speedometer (no Point) in Westhampton Beach Village Court, a Cellphone in Whitestown Town Court, a Code Violation in Lyndhurst Municipal Court, a Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in West Orange Municipal Court, a Criminal Possession of Marijuana in the 5th in Rockland County Court, a Dangerous Driving in Wharton Borough Municipal Court, a Dismissed in Rouses Point Village Court, a disobey green arrow in Salamanca City Court, a Disorderly Conduct in Marbletown Town Court, a driving in center lane in York Town Court, a driving on shoulder in Malverne Village Court, a Driving on the wrong way in Manlius Town Court, a Driving too Slowly in Marcy Town Court, a Driving with ability impaired in Linden City Municipal Court, a Drove across hazard markings in Chester Boro Municipal Court, a Drove to the left of pavement markings in Roxbury Twp Municipal Court, a Drunk Driving in Totowa Boro Municipal a Endangering the Welfare of a Child in Summerhill Town Court, a Expired license in Covert Town Court, a Expired Registration in Rutland Town Court, a Facilitating Aggravated Unlicensed Driver (non-criminal) in Cazenovia Village Court, a Failed to remove debris from highway in Cayuga Heights Village Court, a Failed to use designated lane in Sackets Harbor Village Court, a Failure to dim high-beams 2 point in Cedarhurst Village Court, a Failure to notify DMV of change of address in Dade County Court,

Or perhaps, a Failure to Obey a traffic control device -VTL 1110a (2 point) in Cranbury Municpal Court , a Failure to Obey a traffic control device -VTL 1110a (2 point) in Teterboro Boro Municipal Court, a Failure to produce documentation in Roxbury Town Court, a Failure to use designated lane in Charlton Town Court, a Failure to use flashers in Suffolk County DMV - Refusal Hearing a Failure to use hand signals (should be no points in Canada) in Chateaugay Town Court, a Harassment in Chatham Township Municipal Court, a High 4 Point Speeding in Cuba Town Court, a High 5 Point Speeding in Tonawanda City Court, a High 6 Point Speeding in Summit City Municipal Court, a High 8 Point Speeding in Corfu Village Court, a HOV lane violation in Colesville Town Court, a Improper Plates in Sardina Town Court, a improper U-turn 2 point in Saranac Town Court, a Imprudent speed in Sangerfield Town Court, a interfered with safe operation (3 point) in Cohocton Village Court, a Lane Violation in Sayreville Municipal Court, a leaking unwholesome substance in Columbia Town Court, a leaving an abandoned vehicle in Scarsdale Town Court, a Leaving Scene Accident Personal Injury in Cobleskill Village Court, a Leaving Scene Accident Property Damage in Cobleskill Town Court, a Leaving the Scene of an injury accident in Brookville Village Court, a Littering in Constantia Town Court, a Local violation in Stafford Township Municipal Court, a Log Book Violation (criminal) in Sheldon Town Court, a No Commercial Vehicle on Highway in Suffolk County District Court, - Central Islip a No Helmet in Smithfield Town Court, a No HUT permit in Corinth Town Court, a No Passing in Corning Town Court, a No Point Administrative Code in Southampton Village Court, a No Point Cellphone ticket in Clark Municipal Court, a No point equipment violation in Southport Town Court, a No Point leaving car unattended in Saddle Rock Village Court, a No point leaving vehicle unattended in Springfield Twp Municipal Court, a No Point Seatbelt in Saddle River Municipal Court, a No point unsafely opening a car door in Clinton Twp Municipal Court, a No Points in Canada in Stamford Village Court, a No Safety Chain (misd) in Starkey Town Court, a No U-Turn in Clinton Township Municipal Court, a Non Criminal No Points License Violation in Bass River Municipal Court,

Or, a Non-Criminal administrative section in Brunswick Town Court , a Non-Speeding Sign Violation in West Milford Twp Court, a Obstructed windshield in West Haverstraw Village Court, a Obstructing Government Administration in West Deptford Township Municipal Court, a Obstructing Traffic in Avoca Village Court, a Obstructing windshield for vision in Bainbridge Town Court, a Off Truck Route (2 point) in Attica Village Court, a open container of alcohol in Barton Town Court, a Operating out of Class in Atlantic Beach Village Court, a Operating while Registration Susp or Revoked in Watertown City Court, a Overweight Vehicle in Beacon City Court, a Palisades Interstate Park Sign Violation in Bedminster Municipal Court, a Parking in Beekmantown Town Court, a Shoplifting in Belleville Twp Municipal Court, a Speed Contest in Belmont Village Court, a Speeding in West Carthage Village Court, a Spill back - blocking the box in Whitehall Town Court, a Suspended Driver in Adams Village Court, a Suspended Registration in Wyckoff Municipal Court, a Trespassing in Alabama Town Court, a Turn Signal Violation in Windham Town Court, a Unauthorized use of trailer in Wilna Town Court, a Unclear Plates in Amenia Town Court, a Uninspected Vehicle in Aurora Town Court, a Uninsured in Amsterdam Town Court, a Unlawful Possession of Marijuana in Warsaw Town Court, a Unlicensed Driver (VTL 509) in Antwerp Town Court, a Unregistered motor vehicle in Appeal a Unsafe Merge in Westwood Municipal Court, a Unsafe Passing in Asharoken Village Court, a Unsafe start in West Sparta Town Court, a Village ordinance in Ashland Town Court, a Violation in Whitehall Village Court, a VTL 1175 in Campbell Town Court, a VTL 1175 - Obstructing an intersection (2 point) in Bronxville Village Court, a VTL 1201(a) Stop/Park Violation in Vernon Town Court, a Weaving between lanes in Upper Nyack Village Court, a 2 Point Crossing over Double Yellow Line in Upper Brookville Village Court, a 2 point Failure to obey a lawful order in Richford Town Court, a 2 Point Careless Driving in Brownville Town Court, a 11 Point School Zone Speeding in Bergen County Criminal Court, a 11 Point Speeding in Cambridge Village Court, a 2 Point Blocking Driver's view in Brick Township Municipal Court, a 2 Point Careless Driving in Tyrone Town Court, a 2 Point Careless Driving in Tupper Lake Village Court, a 2 Point Cell Phone in Canandaigua City Court, a 2 Point Crossing over Double Yellow Line in Tuckahoe Village Court, a 2 Point Driving on Shoulder in Candor Town Court, a 2 Point driving on sidewalk in Troy City Court, a 2 Point Fail to signal in Cairo Town Court, a 2 Point Fail to signal in Bloomingdale Municipal Court, a 2 Point Failed to use care in Carrollton Town Court, a 2 Point Failure to comply with lawful order in Bernards Twp Municipal Court, a 2 point Failure to obey a lawful order in Warrensburg Town Court,

Or perhaps, a 2 Point Failure to signal in Warren Township Municipal Court , a 2 Point Failure to Turn as Required in Big Flats Town Court, a 2 Point Failure to yield to pedestrian (NJ) in Wappinger Town Court, a 2 Point improper Turn in Veteran Town Court, a 2 point speeding in Walworth Town Court, a 2 Unsafe Backing in Brighton Town Court, a 3 Cell phone ticket in Bogota Municipal Court, a 3 Drove to the left of pavement markings in Wallington Boro Municipal Ct a 3 Point Child not in seatbelt in Boonton Town Municipal Court, a 3 point disobey green arrow in Bordentown Twp Municipal Court, a 3 Point driving wrong way on one-way street (VTL 1127A) in Brant Town Court, a 3 point Failure to keep right in Briarcliff Manor Village Court, a 3 Point Failure to Yield in Warsaw Village Court, a 3 Point Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle in Bloomfield Township Municipal Court, a 3 Point failure to yield to police in Harriman Village Court, a 3 point improper Passing in Newfield Town Court, a 3 Point interfering with safe operation in Hamburg Town Court, a 3 Point non-work zone Speeding in Hamilton Town Court, a 3 point Red Light in Morrisville Village Court, a 3 Point Speeding in Morristown Municipal Court, a 3 Point Speeding ticket in Hanover Municipal Court, a 3 Point Stop Sign in Mt. Laurel Municipal Court, a 3 Point Stop Sign in Harrietstown Town Court, a 3 point Unsafe Lane Change in Guilford Town Court, a 3 point Unsafe Passing in Harrison Municipal Court, a 3 Point Unsafe U-Turn in Montvale Boro Municipal Court, a 3 Point Work Zone Speeding in Montgomery Town Court, a 3 Points in Canada Speeding in Haverstraw Village Court, a 39:4-97.2 (No Point Unsafe Driving) in Hempstead Village Court, a 4 Point Following too closely in Mineola Village Court, a 4 Point Improper Passing in Milltown Boro Court, a 4 Point School Zone Speeding in Morris Twp Municipal Court, a 4 Point Speeding in Neversink Town Court, a 4 Point Work Zone Speeding in Richmondville Town Court, a 5 Point Following too Closely in Gouverneur Town Court, a 5 Point Passing School Bus in New Lebanon Town Court, a 5 Point Racing on Highway (39:4-52) in New Jersey MVC Suspension Hearing a 5 Point Reckless Driving in Great Neck Village Court, a 5 Point Speeding in Great Valley Town Court, a 6 Point School Zone Speeding in Mountain Lakes Municipal Court, a 6 Point Speeding in Greenbrook Twp Municipal Court, a 6 Point Work Zone Speeding in Middletown City Court, a 8 Point School Zone Speeding in Greenfield Town Court, a 8 Point Speeding in Greenville Town Court, a 8 Point Work Zone Speeding in Nelson Town Court, a Adult Seatbelt in Nassau Town Court, a Aggr Unlicen Driver 2nd in Greenwood Lake Village Court, a Aggravated Unlicensed Driver in Muttontown Village Court, a Avoiding an intersection in Guilderland Town Court,

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Or, a Broken Speedometer (no Point) in New Berlin Town Court , a Cellphone in Little Falls City Court, a Code Violation in Kiantone Town Court, a Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in Long Hill Twp Municipal Court, a Criminal Possession of Marijuana in the 5th in Lockport Town Court, a Dangerous Driving in Knowlton Twp Municipal Court, a Dismissed in Liverpool Village Court, a disobey green arrow in Little Ferry Boro Municipal Court, a Disorderly Conduct in Millburn Twp Municipal Court, a driving in center lane in Lake Placid Village Court, a driving on shoulder in Lambertville City Court, a Driving on the wrong way in Lancaster Town Court, a Driving too Slowly in Larchmont Village Court, a Driving with ability impaired in Laurens Town Court, a Drove across hazard markings in Lawrence Village Court, a Drove to the left of pavement markings in Lindley Town Court, a Drunk Driving in Lincoln Town Court, a Endangering the Welfare of a Child in Little Falls Town Court, a Expired license in Hudson Falls Village Court, a Expired Registration in Newstead Town Court, a Facilitating Aggravated Unlicensed Driver (non-criminal) in Hillsdale Municipal Court, a Failed to remove debris from highway in Hillsdale Town Court, a Failed to use designated lane in Hillside Twp Municipal Court, a Failure to dim high-beams 2 point in Hinsdale Town Court, a Failure to notify DMV of change of address in Mendon Town Court, a Failure to Obey a traffic control device -VTL 1110a (2 point) in Medford Twp Municipal Court, a Failure to Obey a traffic control device -VTL 1110a (2 point) in Long Lake Town Court, a Failure to produce documentation in Howell Twp Municipal Court, a Failure to use designated lane in Kenilworth Bor Municipal Court, a Failure to use flashers in Hurley Town Court, a Failure to use hand signals (should be no points in Canada) in Ithaca City Court, a Harassment in Ithaca Town Court, a High 4 Point Speeding in Jackson Twp Municpal Court, a High 5 Point Speeding in Malone Village Court, a High 6 Point Speeding in Malone Town Court, a High 8 Point Speeding in Middletown Town Court, a HOV lane violation in Hornby Town Court, a Improper Plates in Pound Ridge Town Court, a improper U-turn 2 point in New Scotland Town Court,

Or, a Imprudent speed in Ramsey Boro Municipal Court , a interfered with safe operation (3 point) in Rahway Municipal Court, a Lane Violation in East Greenwich Twp Court, a leaking unwholesome substance in East Hampton Town Court, a leaving an abandoned vehicle in East Hanover Municipal Court, a Leaving Scene Accident Personal Injury in Randolph Town Court, a Leaving Scene Accident Property Damage in East Orange Municipal Courrt a Leaving the Scene of an injury accident in Dundee Village Court, a Littering in Potsdam Village Court, a Local violation in Poland Town Court, a Log Book Violation (criminal) in Elbridge Town Court, a No Commercial Vehicle on Highway in Pohatcong Twp Municipal Court, a No Helmet in Pleasantville Village Court, a No HUT permit in Piermont Village Court, a No Passing in Ellicottville Town Court, a No Point Administrative Code in Quogue Village Court, a No Point Cellphone ticket in Dix Town Court, a No point equipment violation in Romulus Town Court, a No Point leaving car unattended in Rockville Centre Village Court, a No point leaving vehicle unattended in Delhi Town Court, a No Point Seatbelt in Demarest Boro Municipal Court, a No point unsafely opening a car door in Rockaway Township Municipal Court, a No Points in Canada in Rochester TVB, a No Safety Chain (misd) in East Bloomfield Town Court, a No U-Turn in Diana Town Court, a Non Criminal No Points License Violation in Elma Town Court, a Non-Criminal administrative section in DMV Refusal Hearing (Rockland County) a Non-Speeding Sign Violation in Lowville Village Court, a Obstructed windshield in Richland Town Court, a Obstructing Government Administration in Leyden Town Court, a Obstructing Traffic in Dover Municipal Court, a Obstructing windshield for vision in Rhinebeck Town Court, a Off Truck Route (2 point) in Red Hook Town Court, a open container of alcohol in Rochelle Park Municipal Court, a Operating out of Class in North Greenbush Town Court, a Operating while Registration Susp or Revoked in Oakland Municipal Court, a Overweight Vehicle in Franklin Township Municipal Court, a Palisades Interstate Park Sign Violation in Freehold Boro Municipal Court, a Parking in Nutley Municipal Court, a Shoplifting in Norwich Town Court, a Speed Contest in Northvale Municipal Court, a Speeding in Philadelphia Village Court, a Spill back - blocking the box in Galway Town Court, a Suspended Driver in Flower Hilll Village Court, a Suspended Registration in Gardiner Town Court, a Trespassing in North Elba Town Court, a Turn Signal Violation in Genesee Falls Town Court, a Unauthorized use of trailer in Geneseo Village Court, a Unclear Plates in North Arlington Municipal Court, a Uninspected Vehicle in Glen Falls City Court, a Uninsured in Glen Rock Municipal Court, a Unlawful Possession of Marijuana in North Hunterdon Municipal Court, a Unlicensed Driver (VTL 509) in Onondaga Town Court, a Unregistered motor vehicle in Dansville Village Court, a Unsafe Merge in Perth Amboy Municipal Court, a Unsafe Passing in Perinton Town Court, a Unsafe start in Enfield Town Court, a Village ordinance in Englewood Cliffs Municipal Court, a Violation in Englewood Municipal Court, a VTL 1175 in Owego Town Court, a VTL 1175 - Obstructing an intersection (2 point) in Frankford Joint Municipal Ct a VTL 1201(a) Stop/Park Violation in Evans Town Court, a Weaving between lanes in Fort Edward Village Court, a VTL 1201(a) Stop/Park Violation in Fine Town Court, a VTL 1175 in Oneonta Town Court, a Violation in Oneonta City Court, a 11 Point School Zone Speeding in Floral Park Village Court, a 11 Point Speeding in Oneida City Court, a 2 Point Blocking Driver's view in Florida Village Court, a 2 Point Careless Driving in Petersburg Town Court, or a ticket in Ovid Town Court? if So, give me a call now!


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