Brooklyn North TVB Ticket Lawyer

20,000+ tickets since 2003  ny ticket lawyer

A Former Police officer at your service

 Email Your Brooklyn North TVB NY Traffic Ticket

Call For free Consultation 877-965-3237

Fax me your Brooklyn North TVB ticket to fax # 877-742-2268

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I am your Brooklyn North TVB, NY Speeding & Traffic ticket lawyer. I have resolved over 20,000 tickets, including hundreds of tickets in Brooklyn North TVB Town Court alone since 2003. I know the "game." Once you tell me where you got the ticket in New York or New Jersey, I can tell you how many points you are facing, what the potential fines are, what my fee is and the potential impact on your insurance. IF YOU DON'T NEED A NEW YORK TRAFFIC LAWYER I WILL TELL YOU THAT ALSO, I PRIDE MYSELF OF BEING HONEST AND IF I CAN SAVE YOU THE MONEY OF HIRING A NY TRAFFIC ATTORNEY, I WILL TELL YOU. Contact me today for FREE and HONEST consultation about your NY & NJ speeding and traffic tickets. Matisyahu Wolfberg, Esq.

For the quickest response:

Email Brooklyn North TVB traffic ticket or   Call For free Consultation 877-965-3237

NY TIcket DefenseNY TIcket Defense

Brooklyn North TVB, NY Traffic Ticket Lawyer

As of January 2018, I have handled over 20,000 traffic tickets and criminal matters in the state of New York and New Jersey, including several hundred traffic tickets in Brooklyn North TVB traffic court alone.  In the TVB there is no plea bargaining, it is win or lose all or nothing.  Here is the way it works in the TVB. In the TVB, there is no plea-bargaining, it is win or lose, all or nothing. Therefore it doesn't work like a normal "court." Here is how it works, and this is our approach:

 1)    We show up first time, if cop is no show, we ask for dismissal, which they usually don't agree to.

     a.     If we show up 2nd time and cop is also no show, then they usually dismiss

     b.     If we then show up 2nd time and cop shows up, we ask for new court date

2)    If we show up first time and cop is there, we ask for new date, which they usually agree to.

     a.     Then if we show up 2nd time and cop is not there, we ask for dismissal, which they usually don't agree to

     b.     If cop shows up 2nd time, we can usually get a new court date by posting a $40 refundable bail

3)    Finally it comes to either:

     a.     Cop doesn't show and ticket is dismissed

     b.     Cop does show and there is a trial

            i.     If cop loses his notes and shows up without then, then we win
           ii.     If cop makes mistakes or contradicts himself, then we win.
          iii.     If cop testifies perfectly, and has his notes, even if he is not 100% accurate or remembers everything the way they really happened, then it is tough win at a verdict.

Note: your prior record, whether clean or not, is not used as a basis to determine guilty or innocence at trial.  Also, your side of the story is usually not the basis to beat the ticket(s) in the Traffic Violations Bureau.

Traffic Violations Bureau - Brooklyn North TVB
Atlantic Center Mall,
2nd Floor 625 Atlantic
Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217

For the quickest response: 

Email Brooklyn North TVB Traffic ticket

or fax it to  845-818-3905

Brooklyn North TVB Court Traffic Violation Attorney 

Email Brooklyn North TVB Traffic ticket

Due to various socio-economic and cultural factors, there seem to be a lot of traffic violations committed in the relatively small jurisdiction of Brooklyn South TVB.   Most of the tickets given in Brooklyn are Cellphone, Texting and holding an electronic device tickets, speeding on the Belt Parkway, and other highways and local roads, stop signs, red lights and and passing school buses. I appear in Brooklyn South TVB regularly, on an average of  over 10 cases or more a month; so, I know the "deal" over there. If you email me your Brooklyn South TVB Ticket, I will give you an honest consultation and the best price for the best possible results.

Email Brooklyn North TVB Traffic ticket 

What my clients are saying about their NY & NJ Tickets:

(click here to read two more testimonials)