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New York and Northern NJ Traffic Ticket Defense
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Client Testimonials   (Click here to see some testimonials on Yahoo)

Remember, Prior results do not guarantee a
similar outcome

Hear verbal Testimonials from actual clients! 
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Greenburgh Town Court - Speeding 100/55 (11 Points!!!) 3 point unsafe lane change, 2 point failure to signal. Vestal Town Court 72/30 (11 points!)
Suffolk County TVB - Speeding 90/55 (11 Points!!!)

Greenburgh Town Court - Speeding 101/55 (11 points!)
Hear it from your countrymen around the globe! 
Yorktown Justice Court - 95/55 Tuxedo Town Court - 8 Point Speed  Bedford Town Court - Speeding 95/65
Greenburgh Town Court - Speeding 80/55 (6 points)
Cortland Town Court - 8 point speed Orchard Park Erie County - 88/55 -8 Point Speeding
Shandanken Town Court - 6 Point Speeding Clarkstown - 6 Point Speeding
Ulster Town Court - 6 Point Speeding Manhattan - Red Light
Manhattan North TVB - Speeding 62/40  Brooklyn South - No U-Turn 
Wallkill 4 Point Speeding Geddes Town Court - Speeding 89/65 
Brooklyn South - 6 Point Speed Bedford Town Court - 4 Point Speed
Wallkill 6 Point Speeding Queens North - 6 Point Speeding
Esopus Town Court 4 Point Speeding Haverstraw Village Court - 6 Point Speeding
Brooklyn South TVB - 4 Point Speed Spring Valley - 4 Point Speed
Greenburgh Town Court - 6 Point Speeding Manhattan South - No Turn

 email us

"Hi All, Let me start off by telling you how I drive: I live in Brooklyn, NY. When I drive anywhere in NYC I'm usually very careful not to speed because I know that it's VERY hard to fight traffic tickets in NYC, but outside NYC I'm a speeder, (I already paid a lot of money on plea bargains). So here's my story, one evening in February 2005 I left work late and I was in a big rush to get home. I was driving on the Staten Island Expressway and a cop pulled me over. I gave him my license, registration, etc. When he came back he handed me 4 (FOUR) tickets... 1st for speeding 71 in 50 Zone, 2nd for following too close, 3rd for speeding 69 in 50 zone (a different location than the 1st ticket), 4th for following too close (a different location than the 2nd ticket). To make it short it came out to 18 (Eighteen) points and several thousands of dollars in fines and surcharges. Now, in NYC it's very hard to fight a traffic ticket, in Staten Island it's the worst from all five boroughs. The first court date I pushed off. The second date was set for August, 2005. I figured I'll go down myself to court because I thought that a Lawyer won't be able to help me. Anyway, a day before the court date, I decided I'll try with a Lawyer. I made a phone call to one Lawyer and asked if he can still do it for me for tomorrow and he said no, it's too late now, then I searched on the Internet for 'Staten Island Speeding Ticket' and I found notspeeding.com, so I called Matisyahu Wolfberg and asked him if he can still do it and he said NO PROBLEM, gave me a good price and said just fax me your tickets. Two months later I got a letter from the DMV that ALL FOUR tickets were dismissed. Great Job Matisyahu."   N. F., Brooklyn, NY
"In August of 2003, I received a speeding ticket for doing 97 in a 55 zone (11 Points) in Bedford Town Court!  OUCH!  I got on- line and found out that this was an 11 point ticket and that I was facing suspension.  It goes without saying that I need my license for my job.   We'll, I happened upon NotSpeeding.com.  To tell you the truth, I had no idea if I could trust them, due to all the internet scams out there.  But, I picked up the phone and spoke with Mr. Wolfberg.  He told he that there were no guarantees but, that he would do the best he could.  Fast forward to January of 2005, about 18 months after I got the ticket, Mr. Wolfberg called me with some amazing news.  HE GOT THE TICKET DISMISSED!."  (Click here to see the legal maneuvering he used to get it dismissed.)
Louis S., New York, NY.
"My son was accused of doing 96/55 (11 points) in Ramapo Town Court, Rockland County.  We were looking into public transportation, as I understood that my son would lose his license.  Enter... NotSpeeding.com.  Mr. Wolfberg artfully maneuvered the case and managed to get it down to a no point parking ticket!"  
Stephen S., Cresskill, NJ
"In September 2006, I received a speeding ticket from an officer who pulled me over for doing 60 in a 30 mph zone in Greenburgh. I did some online research and came upon Mr. Wolfberg. I told him that I was tagged from behind driving a red exotic sports car (see the picture below). No sympathies from the officers. Mr. Wolfberg told me that I could be facing an 8 point ticket and a $1,000+ fine. He told me that there were no guarantees that he could help, but that he would do the best he could. Fast forward to November of 2006, about 3 months after I got the ticket, Mr. Wolfberg emailed me and told me he got the ticket down to a no point parking ticket and a $100 fine. Amazing work. He is the real deal. I plan to recommend him to all my friends and colleagues. Thanks again! 
Josh T., New York, NY.
"71 in a 30 in Southampton Town Court is no joke. 11 points, never ending fines, suspension, etc. That's when I stumbled upon NotSeeding.com. I read all the comments from previous clients. Then I thought about it for a couple of days. Then I read them again. Then I scanned and emailed my ticket. First hand experience--- MATISYAHU WOLFBERG IS ABSOLUTELY FOR REAL. For a fee and no intervention on my part, 6 months later I received a voicemail on my phone telling me... THE TICKET WAS DROPPED TO A PARKING TICKET. With a whopping $175 fine. That's it? MR. WOLFBERG IS THE MAN. And I have no points on my license. Seriously, DO NOT HESITATE TO USE THIS SERVICE. You will not be disappointed. If the situation ever arises again, the first place I will go is notspeeding.com. ... And I am highly recommending it to everyone I know. ... Thanks again, Mr. Wolfberg.  (P.S. I never actually spoke with Mr. Wolfberg on the phone, we did this all through email!)" 

Jim W., Shirley, New York
"I was being tailgated on the highway in Harrison Town Court, they guy was on my tail, I sped up to get away from him.   Oops!  the cherry lights went on and my heart sank.  He gave me a ticket for 96/55 and an unsafe lane change, which adds up to 14 points.  Mr. Wolfberg had successfully reduced a an 8 point speeding ticket for me once before, so I called him on this new case.  Bottom line, he made the 14 points go away.  CASE DISMISSED!"  
Jamal N., Mount Vernon, NY.
"I got a 94/55 in Gallatin Town Court, Columbia County New York, and thanks to Mr. Wolfberg, it was dismissed altogether!"  Krzysztof M., Darien, CT

"Amazing! I don't know how you did it, but great work in getting my 96/65 (8 points!) in Kingston City Court dismissed!"

Brandon, D., New York, NY 

"I was pleased to hire Matisyahu Wolfberg and Co. from Monsey NY who got my 8 point speeding ticket in Yorktown Town Court dismissed based on the violation of my Constitutional Rights!."
Richard P., Wappingers Falls
Click here to read the Judge's decision.

"I got a speeding ticket for going 92 in a 55 zone on the I-84E in Southeast Town Court. I was going like 110-120 and noticed a car closing on me so I slowed down fast and he only got me at 92, but he was really teed-off as a result. Without going into detail it was a sort of scary and eventful stop where I was taken out of the car before I was eventually on my way with a speeding ticket. I looked on the internet, found some lawyers, and called around. One guy I called who told me that my ticket COULD NOT be dismissed and that in New York (I'm from CA) you only plea bargain. He just wanted to take my money, he didn't care what he did for me. Then I called Mr. Wolfberg. He comes across well. He listened to what happened, told me he'd do the best legal maneuvering to get it dismissed. He didn't give up like worthless lawyer just looking to make money off me, because 6 months later I get an email asking for a testimonial because my case was DISMISSED. The best part was Mr. Wolfberg telling me how angry the cop was and the cop couldn't believe I was trying to fight the ticket....and well Matis used his knowledge of the system, spoke to the judge, and saved me from 8 POINTS right there in front of the officer, it must have been like a kick in the face to the officer. Also I didn't have to deal with headache since I'm from California. Win or Lose, Mr. Wolfberg is fair and honest and gives you the best chance to beat your ticket. You can email me if you want to hear it directly...vikramgill @ yahoo.com."
Vickram G., Rancho S. Fe, CA

P.S. The officer was so upset that the ticket was dismissed on a technicality that he got an arrest warrant issued and tried to reissue the ticket.  One year later, after several more court appearances, Mr. Wolfberg finally got the ticket dismissed once again, killing this once and for all.

"When I received a speeding ticket for 93/55 in the Town of Bedford (2 hours from my home) I was worried I would lose my license because the 8 points would have brought me over the 11 point limit. A year and a half later I decided to go online and figure out how to fight the ticket. I stumbled upon Mr. Wolfberg's site and at first I was skeptical about the whole thing. However, I decided to hire Mr. Wolfberg and I am happy that I chose to do so. All of the anxiety and worry that was building up disappeared when I received a phone call from him telling me he made the ticket disappear. It was dismissed!!! No points....No fines...and I was able to keep my license. Make no mistake if you happen to get a high speeding ticket and are worried about the consequences...Hire Matisyahu Wolfberg. You will not regret it!"
Paul Z., Long Island, New York

"Having a hard time selecting a lawyer? I interviewed 7 lawyers before choosing Mr. Wolfberg. After receiving a ticket for doing 84/55 in Chestnut Ridge Village Court, I was facing 6 points, mega insurance increases and needed someone whom I could trust to fight for me as if they were fighting for themselves. Is Mr. Wolfberg the right choice? – Absolutely! Mr. Wolfberg deployed a very aggressive action plan. He used solid legal tactics to enhance our position before the court date, simply out-maneuvering the prosecution. His courtroom presence garnered respect from all in attendance. He made certain the Judge formulated a decision with the right facts, not accepting any inaccurate or slightly misleading representations made by the prosecution, while at the same time articulating a compelling argument on my behalf. The Result - CASE DISMISSED. No fine, no points, no nothing! There is a vast selection of qualified, competent lawyers from which to choose. However, if you are like me, and want the test – look no further, Mr. Wolfberg is your top choice."
Dennis S., Ramsey, NJ 

"Mr. Wolfberg, I can't thank you enough for all you did to get my case dismissed. I would be glad to recommend you to anyone I know who would need a great lawyer!  Here is my testimonial:  I received a ticket for not using a turn signal in New Rochelle City Court, NY. The police officer pulled me over on Main St. and first told me I was doing about 50 mph. To me, about meant he didn't have any radar and was just randomly choosing someone to ticket. He asked me if I had a clean record, to which I replied that I did. He went back to his car and came back with a ticket for "not using a turn signal". I said I wasn't turning, I was going straight on Main St. He then responded "I could give you a ticket for not having your seat belt on too." To which I replied, when I stopped, I had to take my seat belt off in order to reach back and get my bag with my license and registration. Given all of this and the fact that New Rochelle is a tough city to fight tickets in, I decided to get a lawyer to handle this case. I was then fortunate enough to find Mr. Wolfberg, who after three appearances in court was able to get my case entirely dismissed, no points, no fine, no anything. He is excellent and I would highly recommend him to anyone who needs a great lawyer to defend him/her in a traffic court. Thanks to Mr. Wolfberg, my clean record is still clean. Trust me, if he can win in New Rochelle, he can win anywhere."  
Marianne S., Bronx, NY
"I am still shocked at what NoSpeeding.com did for me. I already had 4 points in NY and I got charged with speeding and tailgating. Two tickets that would equal 10 points and cause my driving privileges to be suspended in NY. Relying on my car for my livelihood, I became desperate and searched the internet for advise. That is when I found Mr. Wolfberg. After speaking with him, I have to admit, I was still skeptical but my back was against the wall. So I hired him with the belief that at least he would delay the guilty verdict or maybe reduce the number of points. To my surprise, he not only got rid of the points, but got the tickets completely dropped. No fine or points!!! I am still in shocked." 
Fred T. New York, NY
"I got a ticket for not having insurance in Manhattan South Traffic Violations Bureau TVB. The thing about it is that I never did have insurance. I was facing up to $2750 in fines and surcharges as well a year revocation of my right to drive in New York. Thanks for getting the ticket dismissed!" 
Wallace R., Upper Montclair, NJ.  
"I was accused of a 8 point speeding ticket on the FDR in Manhattan North TVB.  It would have destroyed my record and my insurance.  Notspeeding.com got it dismissed, they made it 'go away,' as if it never happened.  The best part about it is that I did not even have to show up. It was well worth the fee I paid him."  
Amrom T., Monroe, NY
"I am 18 years old and I already had 2 Unsafe Driving convictions on my license in New Jersey.  I received a ticket in Bergenfield Municipal Court for speeding 84/55.  Yet, Mr. Wolfberg still managed to get me no points!" 
Jonathan M., Leonia, NJ
"Thanks for getting my 8 point speeding ticket in Bedford Town Court dismissed."
Khalil E., Woodside, NY
"I was facing 12 points in Patterson Municipal Court, and Mr. Wolfberg got it down to no points!"  
Vikas More, West Patterson, NJ. 
"Dear Mr. Wolfberg thank you so much for getting my 8 point speeding ticket in South Nyack Village Court Dismissed!  That officer was really nasty, I don't know how you did it, but hey, that is what you get the big bucks for!"  
Julia S., Glen Ridge, NJ.
"While driving back from upstate New York to Long Island from a weekend ski trip I was pulled over in the Bronx and ticketed for reckless driving and an unsafe lane change in Bronx Criminal Court. I did not see the officer and felt I did nothing wrong. However, I want to THANK Matisyahu Wolfberg for handling this case and having it DISMISSED! I will recommend you to all I know! (I didn't even have to show up to court!)  Thank you!
Jeff K., Plainview, New York
"Excuse my French, but NotSpeeding.com 'saved my #$%'. I was away on business in Boston when I realized that I was supposed to appear in Manhattan North TVB traffic court for a pending speeding ticket the next day. I tried to get in touch with DMV to postpone my traffic court appearance date, but my attempts were ignored. Luckily, a search engine referred me to NotSpeeding.com. For a nominal fee, I was relieved of all charges on an 8 point speeding ticket, and now it's like the ticket never happened! Thanks NotSpeeding.com!"
Greg, N. Pelham, NY
"In October, 2004 I received a speeding ticket in the Thompson Town Court, in Sullivan County for going 93 MPH in a 55 MPH area. This is an 8 point ticket. After pleading Not Guilty and requesting a hearing and then rescheduling the hearing that I didn't want to go to, I heard of this web site. After contacting Matisyahu Wolfberg through NotSpeeding.com only 10 days prior to the hearing, he told me I didn't even have to show up. He would appear for me and fight the fight. I have just found out that this 8 point ticket was dismissed! No points, No fine, No long trip, No nothing. Well worth the money. And the consultation is free. You can't beat it. I will gladly refer him to any unfortunate person that gets caught in a jam with a ticket. Thank you so much!!!" 
Kristin M., Holbrook, NY
"I don't know how you did it.  But you did it!  90 in 55 dismissed in Mount Pleasant Town Court!"  
Kevin G., Ossining, NY
"Thanks for getting my 88/55 (8 point) speeding ticket in Ramapo Town Court reduced to a no point parking ticket."
Jerry D.,  Highland Mills, NY
"GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS ON A JOB WELL DONE.  Thanks for getting my 6 point (70/45) speeding ticket in Manhattan North TVB DISMISSED."
Heshy S., Monsey, NY 
"I was pulled over in Orangetown Town Court, Rockland County New York for doing 82 in a 45 MPH zone. Up until this point I had a clean license. Now, I was facing an 8 point speeding ticket, court fines, plus $450. in Driver Responsibility Assessments. Mr. Wolfberg came to my rescue. I did not have to do a thing. I did not have to appear in court. He negotiated this potentially disastrous ticket down to a No Point Parking ticket with only a $150. fine! He is the man! If you have a ticket problem, he is the one to call. Thank you so much, Mr. Wolfberg!"
Bruce T. Piermont, NY
"THANK YOU, MR. WOLFBERG!!! About six months ago , I got a ticket on the Belt Parkway in Brooklyn South TVB for tailgating. Because our car had been involved in an accident last year, this violation would have cost us over $1800 in fines and insurance surcharges in NJ. Trying to defend myself would have been ridiculous. I called Mr. Wolfberg, who was very clear about his service, his fee, and the likelihood of getting the violation dismissed. Throughout the process, Mr. Wolfberg was courteous, responsive, and thoroughly professional. There were never any surprises. A few days ago, Mr. Wolfberg called with the good news that the violation had been dismissed. As Mr. Wolfberg said, "No fine, No Points, No Nothing!" Retaining Mr. Wolfberg was one of the best decisions I have made and his reasonable fee was the best money I ever spent. If you recently got a ticket, (and why else would you be reading this?) call Mr. Wolfberg and let a pro handle it."  
Michael I., Oakhurst, NJ
"This summer was an absolute horror in terms of tickets for me. First there was a 2 point ticket for running a red light in Weehawken, NJ. Then, just a month later, a 6 point ticket for going 91 mph in a 65 mph speed zone in Newburgh, NY on the NYS thruway. I was sure that aside from the fines, now having 8 points on my drivers license would absolutely drive my insurance rates through the roof. I was just about resigned to having to suffer with the increased insurance rates for the next 3 years and ready to plead guilty just to make the tickets go away. But then I came across Matisyahu Wolfberg, Esq. It was the best decision I have made lately. For the 2 point NJ ticket, he got it reduced to a no point violation. And for the 6 point speeding violation, he got the ticket totally dismissed! Thank you very much for your help. Hopefully I will not need your services again, but if I ever get another ticket, you will be the first person I call."  
Michelle I., Hoboken, NJ
"Matisyahu Wolfberg is amazing! He should have his own infomercial! He got my 6 point speeding ticket in Bedford Town Court, New York, dismissed! No fine, No points, and I didn’t even have to show up! The 6 points would have really hurt. I can't thank him enough for making this go away. I highly recommend Matisyahu! Make the Call and you will be as happy as I am right Now!!!!!!!! Thank you Matisyahu, you are the best!!!!!!!!!"
Judd V. Lake Luzerne, NY
"Mr. Wolfberg, Thanks for the good news that my 6 point speeding ticket in Grand Island, NY was DISMISSED. I am, at the same time thrilled and very surprised by the results you were able to achieve on my behalf. Obviously thrilled by the fact my ticket is gone; no points and no fine. My surprise is borne out of the fact that when we first discussed my situation, you made no false promises or guarantees. You carried yourself as an experienced professional who would use best efforts to minimize the impact of my alleged traffic violation. I would have considered 'no points' a huge victory. To hear the news that the charge was completely dismissed just made my day. You can be assured that I will recommend your services to friends and associates.  Thanks again,"
Sam H. Ontario, Canada 
"I am an attorney too, but when my wife was given a 'tailgating' ticket on the Clearview Expressway in Queens North TVB, (what a joke) I got Matisyahu Wolfberg to go to Court instead of my wife, dragging a 20 month old behind her. After adjourning the hearing twice, I found that I just could not find enough material to feel like I could properly handle a BS Tailgating ticket which is basically the Cop's word against yours just in case the cop decided to actually show up nearly eight months after my wife got the ticket. Of course it was a good thing I got an attorney for her because the pig showed up in court. Mr. Wolfberg's law offices got the ticket dismissed, no fines, points, etc. I found out that the cop actually did show up and upon examination by my NotSpeeding's attorney, the cop could not properly articulate what exactly constituted the offense of 'tailgating', distance, length of time, etc. The ticket was dismissed, and my wife avoided having to go to traffic school and we avoided insurance rate increases, etc. My little family really needs the NYPD traffic officers like I need a hole in my head. Great thanks to NotSpeeding.com." 
John C., Elmont, NY
"The feeling I got today when Matisyahu informed me that my 4 point speeding ticket in Suffolk County TVB was dismissed was satisfaction and pleasure. While they don’t promise a victory, I viewed it this way: Worst case, I’m out their fee ($400) and pay the fine and points. Best case, I’m out the fee but I don’t pay the fine nor the inevitable increase in my insurance over the next THREE YEARS! Matisyahu is trustworthy and it’s worth rolling the dice. Nice job Matisyahu!!!"
 Scott S., Montville, NJ
"Thanks so much for getting my 6 point speeding ticket in Haverstraw Village Court down to a no point parking ticket!"
Mark D., Franklin Lakes, NJ    
Click HERE to hear Mark's reaction
"Thank you so much for representing me and getting my speeding ticket in Cheektowaga Town Court - Erie County reduced to a no point parking ticket! Considering that I was facing a 4 point infraction with most likely very hefty fines and the $100 per year DMV surcharge (since 4 points would have put me over the 6 point NYS limit), a parking ticket that carried a $100 fine with no points is a heck of a deal! Hopefully, I will not get another speeding ticket. But, if I do I now know exactly where I will go. For those people who may be hesitant to call Mr. Wolfberg, YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO CALL. I was hesitant at first since I live in upstate NY, but I'm glad I did make the call. Thanks again Mr. Wolfberg, I will recommend your services to everyone who is in need!" 
 Wilson G., Tully, New York
"Thank you so much Mr. Wolfberg! After receiving a notice of suspension for an unpaid 81/55, 6 Point speeding ticket in Yonkers City Court,  NY I wasn't sure what to do. I consulted friends and family to no avail. I feared that if I tried to fight the ticket myself I would just make matters worse. I found notspeeding.com on the web and I have to admit to being a bit skeptical. All my doubts were lifted after speaking to Mr. Wolfberg. He guided me through the whole process with his great experience, knowledge, and personality. After a few months of hard work by Mr. Wolfberg the ticket was DISMISSED!!! I could not be happier with NotSpeeding.com and Mr. Wolfberg's hard work. I will definitely be recommending him to all my family and friends!"
Jeff R., Chappaqua, NY
"I am a Lawyer in New Jersey, but I when I received a 6 point speeding ticket in Tuxedo Town Court, New York, I did not know where to turn.  The worst of it was that I waited until the last minute!  I found NotSpeeding.com on a Sunday morning, called and spoke with Mr. Wolfberg.  The ticket was dismissed on Tuesday!  Great work."  
John C. Esq., Hamburg, NJ.
"Mr. Wolfberg, Thank you so much for the good news, that you got my 6 point speeding ticket in LaGrange Town Court DISMISSED. I will be sure to make any and all referrals that I can. I don't know what you told the court, but thank you."  Steven H., Riverdale, NY.
"I'm from Virginia and got pulled over on the interstate just north of Binghamton, NY for doing 80 in a 55, while returning from working at a boys' camp in upstate NY.  Being four hundred miles from home, I was not looking forward to a series of trips to Chenango Town Court to fight the ticket, which would cost $ hundreds in  fines and higher insurance premiums and 6 points on the license (NY and Virginia cooperate!).  I was skeptical of different ads about beating tickets, but  I picked Matisyahu Wolfberg at notspeeding.com because he came across as a patriotic American eager to help a Navy veteran.  He made no promise about beating the ticket in Chenango Town Court but felt he could certainly reduced the severity,  and I was confident he would do the best anyone could.  I can't tell you how pleased I was when he told me he got the ticket dismissed - no fines, no points, no trips back and forth from VA to NY.  You have to tell everyone you know about Attorney Wolfberg - he deserves the highest praise for his ability to help ticketed drivers.  My daughter at Seton Hall University in Orange, NJ is telling all her friends."
David R., Arlington, Virginia
 "I had a great experience with NotSpeeding.com. I had received a very expensive 6 Point Speeding ticket in Elmsford Village Court for going 30 (75/45) miles over the limit in a work zone. NotSpeeding.com was able to plea bargain this down to a much cheaper No Point Faulty Equipment ticket. I didn't have to travel from my home in NJ to the court in NY. NotSpeeding.com took care of all of that. Everything could be done via e-mail, which was extremely convenient. Of course, the most important thing was there will be no impact to my already expensive car insurance."
Denise, G., Morris Plains, NJ
"Wow!!! My son (age 19) was clocked doing close to 90mph on the Palisades Parkway, Clarkstown Justice Court in early February 2005. The officer was nice enough to only write 75mph on the ticket, which is still 25mph over the allowable 50mph! That could have resulted in 6 points, plus some hefty fines. I heard about Mr. Wolfberg from a friend and read the testimonials here on this website, but didn't actually believe he could get a 100% victory, but.............  Mr. Wolfberg was miraculously able to get him off scott-free!! CASE DISMISSED.  No points, no fine! This is absolutely true. I'm still amazed, and have no idea what legal maneuvering he used, but, hey, I'm not complaining. Thanks!!!!"
David S., Cedarhurst, NY
"In January of 2004 I was cited for doing 75 in a 50 on I95 in the Bronx. This carried with it 6 points on my license plus a $200 fine. I spoke with numerous lawyers advertising their services on the net, but none were willing to take my case, citing the difficulties of getting anything dismissed within the New York City Traffic Violations Bureau. It wasn’t until I happened upon notspeeding.com that I thought I had any hope of getting the violation dismissed. In speaking with Mr. Wolfberg he advised that there was a good chance my citation could be dismissed, and his quoted rate of service was lower than anyone else I had spoken to. Much to my excitement, it wasn’t just a chance, it was definite! Throughout the process, Mr. Wolfberg was very prompt in communicating updates with my case and I am extremely pleased with the overall level of service received."
Mike F., East Haven, CT
"I received a speeding ticket on 684 in Bedford Town Court for going 78 in a 55 in April 2004. This would have cost me 6 points on my license and increased my insurance costs. About a year later, I received my court date and began searching for help. Mr. Wolfberg was able get my ticket dismissed completely without any fines or points, almost as if it had never happened! The consultation was free, the service was excellent, I didn't have to show up in court, and Mr. Wolfberg answered all of my questions. I would highly recommend Mr. Wolfberg to anyone who has ever received a ticket."  
Christine B., Mahopac, NY
"Thank you Matisyahu Wolfberg for getting my "62 MPH" turn  down a 40 MPH hill (in an SUV mind you) during a 3am speed trap, to an acceptable financial resolution for me. You excellent response and understanding to my first phone call was re-assuring that I had found someone who had the sense to believe no one would be stupid enough to commit such a dangerous stunt. Here's to much success and a big pinup on our bulletin board!"
J. Clementi, Bloomfield NJ 
"In September 2004 I was pulled over by a state trooper doing 90mph, a ticket which carried 6 points and a large fine in Albany City Court.  Besides that, because I received the ticket in my first 6 months of driving, I would lose my license if I were convicted of a speeding ticket. As a student, I knew that I needed my license and I couldn't afford the fines and increase in insurance that this ticket would lead to. I had realized from stories I had heard that it was nearly impossible to win a case against a state trooper on your own so I went online in search of a lawyer and gave Mr. Wolfberg a call. He was very professional and gave me an affordable flat rate. I was skeptical at first but realized I couldn't afford to miss school and work to attend a trial I would have surely lost. With six days before the trial Mr. Wolfberg took my case and did his magic. He was very professional and gave me peace of mind. On the day of the trial, Mr. Wolfberg gave me a call and to my surprise instead of a reduction, he told me that the case got dismissed. I would recommend anyone to him. He is G-D sent. Thanks Mr. Wolfberg for helping me keeping me on the road, and allowing me  to afford my car and having a peace of mind whilst at school. The money spent was well worth it. "
Jason F. Plattsburgh, NY.
"Dear Mr. Wolfberg, My deepest appreciation to you for taking care of my East Fishkill Town Court 4 point ticket so quickly and efficiently. Not only was it handled professionally, but the outcome of a no point equipment violation was even more favorable than I could have imagined. Thank you again for taking such good care of this issue. Sincerely," 
Andrew D. Larchmont, NY
"If you are looking at this website then you too have a BIG problem.  Do yourself a huge favor and look no more. I too was skeptical.   Stop here and send your info to Mr. Wolfberg .  The man is nothing short of genius.  I was facing a six point speeding ticket, huge surcharges increased insurance for the next three years.  Mr. Wolfberg had the ticket reduced to a NO point ticket with a very small fine.  You can’t ask for more. This is all done without making an appearance anywhere for anything, he handles it all."
Neil M. Plainview, NY
"Mr. Wolfberg, Great Job. . .Thanks for getting my
6 point speeding ticket in Athens Town Court reduced to a
No Point Administrative Code ticket."
Uri A., Cape Coral FL
"I would truly like to thank you for helping me by reducing my 5 point 88/55 speeding ticket in Woodbridge Municipal Court, New Jersey to a no-pointer.  It was a whole lot easier to write out that check knowing that you were able to keep my driving record clean, by getting a no-point plea bargain! Hopefully we'll never need to meet under such circumstances ever again!"
Michael C., Hackensack, N.J.
"Thank you so much for your help. I was facing a 6-point speeding ticket in Sloatsburg Village Court, but was able to get it reduced to fine and no points. I never even had to show up in court!" 
Scott K., Monroe, NY
"I wanted to thank you again for representing me on my two traffic tickets, one in Elmsford Village Court the other in Dobbs Ferry. You were a pleasure to work with. You responded to all my inquires in a timely fashion and I could not be happier with the results you were able to obtain. In particular, one of my 6 point speeding tickets was given to me by a officer who was less than friendly in a county were they are not know for their leniency. You were still able to get the court to deliver a deal which involved no points and a very light fine. Thank you again for your help. If I am ever in need of your services in the future, which I hope I am not, I will look no further."
Todd H. New York, NY
"My nightmare began when I was issued a bogus Reckless Driving summons in New York City Criminal Court.  I thought it was just a regular old ticket.  Then I found out that reckless driving is a misdemeanor which carries 5 points!  Wanting to avoid jail, a criminal record and points, I got on line in a hurry looking for help.  Thankfully I found NotSpeeding.com and the good services of Mr. Wolfberg, Esq.  He showed up with me to court (346 South Broadway, NY, NY).  I didn't much understand what he told the judge, but who cares.  The judge dismissed the case!  No fine, no points, and no criminal record."  
George F., New York NY.
"Back in April, 2004 I was caught along with another vehicle speeding on the Major Deagan Expressway in Yonkers, New York. I was looking at 8 points, with a 2 point failure to signal ticket and a 6 point speeding violation. Somehow Mr. Wolfberg knew what to do in order to get it dismissed. I thought I would lose. I had Mr. Wolfberg show up for me in court and now my slate is clean. Thank you Mr. Wolfberg!"
Patrick L., Chappaqua, NY

"WOW I honestly do not know Mr. Wolfberg's methods but they work. Back two years ago I got my very first speeding ticket and tailgating ticket along with it, that's 10 pts right there in ONE court date. I can't believe the work Mr. Wolfberg did. It was dismissed, and remember people, this is in the BRONX so it was against the TVB. Mr. Wolfberg is my traffic attorney for the rest of my life. Thank You yet again Mr. Wolfberg. You saved me 18 points in 2 years!"
Patrick L., Chappaqua, NY

"I got a 6 point speeding ticket in the Manhattan North TVB.  I read did some research and I found out that there is no plea bargaining in the Traffic Violations Bureau.  I rolled the dice and called SpeedingTicketNY.com.  Well, the bottom line is they got the ticket DISMISSED!"  
Shalom D., Spring Valley, New York
"Dear Mr. Wolfberg, I just received an email of the outcome of the hearing in Bethany Town Court, New York, which you recently represented me. I was facing a 4 point speeding ticket in NY on my commercial license and increase of insurance rates. I am writing to tell you how pleased I am at the outcome as result of your representation. Because of your appearing for me in court (yes, I didn't even have to take off work ,) I received a no-point parking ticket which carried a total of a $100 fine! Thank you so much! I work with commercial drivers who travel through New York state frequently. When they need the services of a traffic lawyer, I'll be sure to send them your way! With much appreciation!" 
Barry C., Mechanicsburg, PA
"Thanks for getting my 80/50 Speeding ticket dismissed in Clarkstown, NY.  And I didn't even have to show up."
Ari H., Brooklyn, NY
"I was returning home from the city on then Palisades Parkway when I was pulled in Clarkstown, NY over by a trooper who caught me speeding at 83 mph. The speed limit on the Palisades is 50 mph!! This would have resulted in 8 points on my record, and insurance hikes that would have meant disaster. I returned back to college the next day in Michigan and had no idea what to do. I gave a call to Mr. Wolfberg after being referred to his website by a friend. The result: My 8 point speeding ticket was reduced to a mere no-point parking ticket without me ever leaving Michigan for a court appearance! The fee I paid Mr. Wolfberg was WELL WORTH the results I received. I would recommend his services to anyone who needed them."
Richard L. Wurtsboro, NY
"Matisyahu Wolfberg saved my license. I had one speeding ticket on my record.  I then plead guilty to a second speeding ticket in Canajoharie Town Court.  Within 18 months, I received a third speed in Bedford Town Court that would have caused the suspension of my license (3 speeds in 18 months.) He was able to go back and undue my guilty plea in Canajoharie and reduce it to a to a no-point parking ticket.  The other speeding ticket in Bedford, he got reduced to a non-speeding sign violation. I shopped around for lawyers and he instilled immediate confidence in me and his price was very good for the work that he did for me. I would recommend him to anyone." 
David L. Astoria, NY
"Mr. Matisyahu, Thanks for the terrific news! I am really excited to hear about the resolution in this case and confirm the receipt of the notice and would send the payment as requested. I am out of words to describe my happiness with the decision that has not only met but exceeded my expectations. All the credit goes to you. Thank you. At first, I was skeptical as to how much a lawyer that I have found by searching internet can help me, let alone represent me effectively in the court. I found confidence upon reading strong testimonials on your website. After our first telephone conversation I was completely sure that I made a right decision. Your handling of the case was very professional and time-saving. I would recommend you to everyone in strongest terms. Best regards," 
Vivek S. Ontario, Canada   hear my reaction.
"Mr. Wolfberg, thank you so much for getting my 6 point ticket (being pulled over in Ulster Town Court, NY for speeding 72/45) DISMISSED! It well worth the money spent. Honestly, was pretty skeptical in the beginning, but it DOES work! Would highly recommend your service to all skeptics and others."  
Vitaly Z., Fair Lawn, NJ
"Dear Not Speeding.com, I wanted to thank you for the terrific experience of hiring you to represent me during a recent traffic infraction I encountered. Your communication was quick, thorough and effective. The outcome of my court appearance was quite pleasing and much appreciated. With minimal cost, you were able to get my Clarkstown Town Court ticket reduced to a "no point parking ticket" and off of my record. That was the goal! I would definitely solicit your services again, although I do hope I will not need to do so in the future.  Thank you again," 
Cari S., Weston, CT
"As to the results, all I can say is thank you for another amazing, positive outcome, reducing a 4 point speeding ticket in the Town of Haverstraw. You have represented me twice in the last year on speeding tickets that could have resulted in a total of 10 points against my license. I was facing hundreds of dollars in fines, hours of lost time for two traffic court appearances, and the considerable stress that goes with all of it. Beyond that, my insurance company undoubtedly would have raised my rates through the roof, if not dropped me completely. Instead, as a result of your expert representation, I have only 2 points on my license, saved hundreds of dollars in fines, and my insurance rates have remained unchanged. I simply sent you the ticket, spoke to you on the phone for a few minutes, and you took care of everything else. I did not have to appear in court and the outcome, on both occasions, could not have been better. While I hope I never need your services again, it’s good to know that if I do get another speeding ticket you are only a phone call (toll-free!) away. You are the real deal. You give motorists a fighting chance to avoid what is almost always an inevitable conviction for speeding. You are the best.  Again, thank you so much for all your help.  Best regards,"  
Tony G., Cornwall, NY 
"Mr. Wolfberg, Great Job. Your methods are unique and Very Effective. Thanks a Lot for getting my Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device ticket in the Manhattan South Traffic Violations Bureau, dismissed!  Regards,"

Raj T., Edison, NJ.
"Dear Mr. Wolfberg,  Late for a wedding? I was, and I thought Route 3 in the Adirondack wilderness for perfect for making up lost time. WRONG! I was tagged with a 6-point speeding violation Wilna Town Court: big fine, big surcharge, insurance consequences and a mandatory drivers' safety class. Thanks for your fine work -- you successfully shaved it down to a parking ticket." 
Gerald P. Amherst, NY
"Dear Mr. Wolfberg, great job and thank you – my Gallatin Town Court speeding ticket on the Taconic State Parkway was reduced to a parking violation. You saved me a great deal of time, aggravation and expenses I would have incurred in pursing the case myself or in living with the points on my license and higher insurance costs. You handled my case quickly and professionally and your responsiveness was incredible. I truly appreciate your service."
David, Morristown, NJ.
"I am a New Jersey driver who was facing a 6 Point Speeding ticket in a school zone, in the Village of Warwick, NY. My driving record was going to be affected and my insurance rates would have been increased for sure. I contacted NotSpeeding.com and attorney Matisyahu Wolfberg. He kept me informed during the whole process, which included numerous adjournments by the court. The final judgment was for a "No Points Faulty Equipment ticket". I paid an $85 fine and didn't get any points, thanks to Not Speeding .com"
Lorraine G. Mahwah, NJ
"While visiting Hunter Mountain, NY I was pulled over by Hunter Mountain police, was issued a 6 point speeding ticket and was dreading dealing with the courts. I am in the telecommunications business and drive all over the Tri-state area to make a living. After searching the web for help, right before leaving for Hunter Mountain courthouse that evening, I found NotSpeeding.com. I called and spoke with Mr. Wolfberg regarding my case, we briefly discussed some issues and that was it! One month later I paid a $100.00 fine and received no points and plead guilty to a parking ticket. We appreciate the services, we need our licenses to make a living. Thank you."
Steven S., West Islip, NY
"Matis Wolfberg has delivered all that was advertised. Great prompt service, quick response to questions and most important was that he was able to reduce my 4 point speeding ticket Lloyd Town Court, Ulster County, to a parking ticket. Highly recommended and I would use him again if need be."
Hervé S., New York, NY
"Dear Mr. Wolfberg, I wanted to write you to express my great gratitude for your successful efforts on my behalf in reducing my 6 point speeding ticket to a no point parking ticket in Colonie Town Court. To be in the position where, without your help, I would be getting a large fine and 6 points against my license and to now have no points whatsoever - wow, what a relief! I would recommend your services to anyone who needs to fight a speeding ticket.
Gratefully yours," Jeff B., Congers, N.Y.
"Dear Matisyahu Wolfberg, Esq. ,Thank you for taking my traffic violation case. After receiving a speeding ticket for 27 miles per hour over the posed limit in Nassau County, I immediately started thinking about what my insurance cost might be with that on my record. I knew I had to get a help to fight this ticket. Thanks to you and your company it was dropped to a simple no point violation that will have no bearing on my insurance cost. How you did it, I don't know, but what I do know is that I am very grateful and I highly recommend you and your services to everyone.  Thank you for your time. Regards," 
Sal S. Astoria, NY
"Mr. Wolfberg, I just got your message. That is fantastic! Thank you for all of your help in getting my 6 point speeding ticket in Bedford Town Court, NY, DISMISSED! Best regards,"
Nadege B., Yonkers, NY
"I received your message and the good news about my ticket in East Fishkill, NY. I was hoping for a reduction in charge with an increased fine but never did I expect for it to be dismissed. Thank you for keeping my clean driving record clean. I will definitely pass your name along to anyone I know who has ticket problems in NY or NJ. Also, feel free to use me as a reference if any potential clients request one." 
Deryck P., Crofton, MD 
"I am an attorney myself and found that Mr. Wolfberg conducted himself in an extremely professional manner and provided me with an excellent service at a fair price. I did not receive a good result, I received the ultimate result, my 6 point speeding ticket in Elmsford, NY WAS DISMISSED ALTOGETHER! I could not have hoped for anything better. I would highly recommend his services."  
Chris D., South Boston, MA
"I heard that speeding tickets in Staten Island, NY are impossible to beat.  But, NotSpeeding.com got it dismissed.  NO points, NO fines, NO Nothing."  
Vyacheslav, B.,
Staten Island, NY.
"On my way to Niagara Falls just minutes after arriving in Buffalo for a vacation, I got pulled over by the infamous NY State Trooper in the town of Grand Island. He slapped me with a 83/55. What a way to start a vacation! Afterwards, I found out that my 6 point moving violation meant an extra $300 on top of potential fines (NY Driver Assessment). I wanted to fight the ticket so I pleaded not guilty. But as the court date approached, I felt more and more uneasy about wasting a vacation day and driving 16 hours. I did a search on the internet and contacted a few lawyers, but no one would represent me unless I was facing license suspension. Then I stumbled upon NotSpeeding.com. Reading the testimonials I was a little skeptical, but I was running out of options and decided to call the number on the website. Mr. Wolfberg returned my call within an hour and told me that I wouldn't have to appear in court. I was relieved because even with a reduced sentence I would be spared that NY Driver Assessment fine and insurance hikes. A week later, Mr. Wolfberg said that my case was dismissed! I would recommend him to anyone!" 
Kai C., New Hyde Park
"Getting handed a ticket for doing 75 in a 45 in Fort Lee, NJ on an empty GW Bridge was bad enough, but then the reality of dealing with court process and what was going to happen to my insurance was a worse headache. I poked around on the web and called a few lawyers from the phone book and wound up going with notspeeding.com. I didn't have to use a vacation day or have to sit in a courtroom all day, I didn't get any points on my lic, and only had to pay a $155 fine. I'm VERY happy with the outcome."  Mike C. New Millford, NJ 
"Thank you for applying an aggressive yet efficacious approach to a difficult situation for which trial would not have been very promising to say the least, but also INEVITABLE! Not only were you able to circumvent trial in this matter at the last moment, your ingenious expertise completely commanded the courtroom resulting in downgrading of this charge to a non-typical no point violation. Once again, sincere thanks for exceptional legal counsel in Milltown Municipal Court, NJ.  Best Regards,"
Bob G. New Jersey
"I was driving back from NYC to Toronto when I got stopped by a state trooper in the Town of Salina, New York. Long story short, he supposedly caught me going 82 in a 65mph zone. Lucky for me, I was referred to Mr. Wolfberg. He was able to eliminate the points and reduce the charge to only a fine. Got a speeding ticket? Don't hesitate to call him." 
Jonathan S., Toronto, Ontario
“NotSpeeding.com is an exceptional, hassle-free way to handle potentially damaging traffic violations. Mr. Wolfberg was able to reduce my 8 point speeding violation in Mamakating Town Court to a 2 point fail to signal ticket. Most importantly it required virtually no effort or time on my part. Hopefully I’ll never need his services again, but if I do I would not hesitate to contact NotSpeeding.com.  Sincerely,"
Michael E. Glen Cove , NY
"Thanks Mr. Wolfberg for getting my Tonawanda Town Court Speeding ticket down to a parking ticket." 
Ian S., Ontario, Canada
"Dear M. Wolfberg, I wanted to thank you for delivering as advertised. Reducing my Harrison Town Court speeding 'ticket' from 6 points to a mere no point equipment violation, was more than I had hoped for. Thank you."

Thomas L. New York, NY.
"That is terrific, and I would be more than happy to write a testimonial....Thank you for getting my speeding ticket in Southeast Town Court down to a parking ticket!!! You are fantastic!!!"  
Diana R., Poughkeepsie, NY
"Dear Mr. Wolfberg, I want to thank you for your time and effort representing me in East Fishkill, NY getting my speeding ticket down to a no point parking ticket. I am very happy with the results, and I will certainly refer my friends and colleagues in the future if they are ever in a similar situation. Thanks again. Sincerely," 
Jason C., Cambridge, MA 
"Thanks for getting my speeding ticket in Town of Liberty, New York DISMISSED!"  
Mordi, H., Brooklyn, NY
"I got a speeding ticket and unsafe lane change totaling 7 points in the Town of Greenburgh, New York.  Calling NotSpeeding.com was one of the best things I ever did.  The attorney "Matis" managed to get the tickets reduced to a $100 parking ticket."  
Joseph, S., Brooklyn, NY 
"I got a bunch of pink criminal summons ordering me to appear in Staten Island Criminal Court.  Notspeeding.com got them down to a non-criminal no point plea bargain.  Thanks also for the t-shirt."  
Arlind, T., Ridgewood, NY
"Mr. Wolfberg is amazing! He is the number one attorney for anyone who gets caught speeding! He helped me tremendously by getting my 4 point ticket in Ravena Village Court, NY reduced to a NO POINT PARKING TICKET! I would recommend him to anyone who was in my situation and needs help! Thank You, Mr. Wolfberg!" 
Krystina B. Wayne, NJ
"My friend and I are Canadian drivers who were cruising up the highway in New York in two separate cars on the way to Canada, when we both got pulled over in Sandy Creek, NY for doing 99 in a 65!  The prosecutor wanted to 'throw the book' at us.  Yet, Mr. Wolfberg never gave up and he managed to get each of us no points in Canada!"  
Rajesh R. and Henry T. Ontario, Canada.
"I got nailed for doing 111 in a 65 in Town of Florida, upstate New York, and I ignored the ticket.  They suspended my license.  I then got stopped in New York and got a misdemeanor summons for driving on a suspended license and the next day I got the same ticket along with a speeding ticket in New Jersey!  I call Notspeeding.com and they working everything out so that my insurance would not go up!"  
Joseph S., Monsey, NY
"I pulled out of a gas station without looking and I almost slammed into a cop in the Town of Ramapo, NY!  I have a horrible record with a suspension, moving violations and an accident. Still, Mr. Wolfberg managed to get it reduced to a parking ticket."  
Mark, B., Brooklyn, NY
"Hello Everyone! I know your feelings. I had the same feelings, nervous and distrustful, too. However, If you can read me, you don't need to worry about your ticket any more. This Attorney is very able and trustful. Excellent! Last fall, I got a speeding ticket in Fort Lee, NJ, and I supposed get 4 points and fines.
Because of this Attorney, I got No points and plead guilty to obstructing traffic with a minimal fine. Also I have not been to court at all, because he can handle everything without me so I didn't need to take one day off. I understand that it is hard to trust somebody until we try them. However, I can confidently recommend this web site to you once again because now I know this web site is trustworthy from my experience."
Hwang S.H. New Brunswick, NJ.
"Thank you so much Attorney Wolfberg for getting my 2 point ticket dismissed in Manhattan South TVB. Finding you was a blessing."  
Bob O., Garden City, NY
"19 Is a tough age for most young adults. Transitioning to college and getting out in the "real world" is a big challenge for them and has been for myself. Not only that, but you have to worry about cops targeting you if they see that you're younger. Here's my story. My parents bought me a car for graduating high school and because I got accepted into one of the most prestigious schools in the United States. A week later, I got pulled over for doing 81 in a 65 on I-90 in upstate New York on my way back to school. The cop wasn't nice about the whole situation whatsoever. I didn't get a chance to explain myself and let him know there was no way I was doing 81 
MPH. I was facing a 4-Point Ticket and up to a $300 in fines as well as  losing my Chauffeurs license! I was really worried about this because at 19,  insurance rates are already outrageous with any car and with 4-points I  would have definitely been selling my car because my insurance would have  risen incredibly. I found NotSpeeding.com one night scrolling the internet  and gave them a call. Mr. Wolfberg told me about the FLAT fee that I could  pay for him to represent me. He said that he's had many situations such as  mine and that he could probably be able to get it down to a 0-point Parking  ticket. It was a little sketchy to me since it was over the internet, but  believe me when I say, THIS IS FOR REAL! After pleading not guilty to the  ticket, I received a parking ticket with 0 points towards my license. Thank  You NotSpeeding.com and if something ever happens again on I-90 I know who  I'll be calling, and that is you!!!"
Curtis R.  Montrose, MI 
"In November '04 I got pulled over doing 80 in a 65, a potential 4 point speeding ticket, in Sullivan Town Court. These points would have just about been the end for my car due to insurance rates. Thanks to Mr. Wolfberg, however, this possible 4 point speeding ticket was reduced to a No-point Parking ticket! He saved me hundreds of dollars, at least, and I can't thank him enough for his work!"
Anthony S., Staten Island, NY
"I can't thank the services of Mr. Wolfberg enough. I got caught in a speed trap going through some tiny town (Duanesburg Town Court) above Albany with some other cars.  Having NJ plates I knew I was definitely getting ticketed; three hours from the NJ border, the cop knew he had made a nice revenue stop. Ticket in hand, pissed off because I wasn't speeding, and had to deal with an ignorant cop who was bewildered because I had a non photo ID, he couldn't
even produce a print out from his radar gun. I knew I was going to have a tough time. I didn't want the points showing up on my license and my insurance going up, but more importantly I was going the flow of traffic and the cop only targeted me because of my plates. I contacted various legal services and got the run around, some blatantly lying to me. I then remembered a radio ad about beating speeding tickets in NY and did a websearch. I found Matis on-line and struck gold. It was the easiest process. Matis explained everything to me and how things could go with
the ticket. I knew I could lose, but the fight and cost was worth it. Everything was done either on-line or over the phone. I didn't even have to take days off to go to court. It took a few months but eventually the ticket was reduced to a no point parking ticket. I would recommend the service to everyone. Thank you,"

James C., West Orange, NJ
"Hi- My name is Anna B., from Pennington, NJ. I was ticketed in East Fishkill, NY for going more than 25 miles over the 55mph speed limit. I was speeding, but the cop who ticketed me nabbed me by driving ahead of me and slowly speeding up to see how fast I would go. As an inexperienced driver, I fell into his speed trap. I already had a record for "Operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner," and I risked losing my insurance because of it. My father and I investigated our options -- our first priority was keeping me insured, but we couldn't afford to spend thousands and thousands on legal representation. We spoke with Matisyahu, did all the paperwork via fax, and got the charge bargained down without ever having to appear in court. It is thanks to Matisyahu that I am driving today."
Anna B., Pennington, NJ
"Your service is superb and worth every cent! I will be sure tell 'my success story' to everyone I know. I am sure that you will be hearing from my friends, all of which are living their lives, like me, at too fast a pace, hence the speeding ticket. Again thank you for providing this really efficient and effective way of dealing with speeding tickets. Thank you."
Andy F., Garrison, NY
"NotSpeeding.com got my Erie County, New York Speeding ticket down to a parking ticket." 
Ron S., Ontario, Canada
"Thanks for getting my NY City sign violation ticket dismissed.  I will definitely recommend you to my friends."  
Solomon G., Monroe, NY. 
"I got a 6 point speeding ticket in Yonkers.  Thanks for getting it dismissed as if it never happened."  
Anthony P.,
Bayside, NY. 
"Thanks for getting my speeding ticket dismissed in Yonkers.Ada P., Farmingville, NY 
"Mr. Wolfberg is both a thorough an insightful lawyer. Without any stress at all he got me off on a 3 point Red Light ticket in Manhattan by showing up in my place. The price was extremely reasonable and the service was excellent." 
Michael S. Manhattan, NY.
"I am a Brazilian citizen who got a speeding ticket in Nyack, New York.  I got on the internet in Brazil and I called NotSpeeding.com, and they got it dismissed. And of course I didn't have to show up! :)"  
Marcos B. E., Sao Paulo, Brazil
"I was working for my brother transporting computer supplies from Monsey, New York upstate.  I got 3 speeding tickets in the span of about 6 months.  One was for 100 in a 65 in Athens, NY.  Mr. Wolfberg managed to save my license!  Thanks again."  
Michael C., Monsey, NY
"When the cop gave me my speeding ticket for 101/65 in Woodbury, NY, he told me to hand him what used to be my license. I called Mr. Wolfberg and it turned out to be the best call I ever made. He got my ticket reduced to 70/65. He saved my license! I am eternally grateful!" 
Justin, M. Flushing, NY 
"I can’t say enough about the services provided to me, after being pulled over in Town of Avon, NY for a 6 point speeding ticket, the cop “tried” to be nice by knocking it down to a 4 point violation.  On the highway, the cop threatened to prosecute me for the 6 point speeding offense, if I were to fight the ticket. I took a chance and called  Notspeeding.com, they went to work and initially got it down to 69 in a 65, which still carries 3 points.  However, they put the extra effort in and continued to fight, eventually getting it lowered to evading a traffic device. This was more than I hoped for and I am glad that my insurance will not go up."  
Jason K., Dix Hills, NY
"I was issued a ticket for passing a school bus in Town of Ramapo, New York, which is a 5 point ticket.  Actually, I had crashed into the bus because it was foggy and icy.  Mr. Wolfberg still managed to get it down to a sign violation. 
George G. Monsey, NY
(name changed).
"I got a ticket for passing a school bus in Town of Ramapo, New York, a 5 pointer which would have destroyed my record.   I called NotSpeeding.com and I went home with a no-point parking ticket and traffic school! 
Sarah F. Monsey, NY 
"I received a speeding ticket in Woodbury, NY from a New York State Trooper who claimed he had clocked me on radar traveling nearly 25 mph over the posted speed limit. Had I been found guilty, it would have meant 6 points on my license, a couple of hundred dollars in fines, and an insurance rate increase that would have been through the roof. I called NotSpeeding.com and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Attorney Matisyahu Wolfberg handled my case and got the ticket reduced to a non-speeding violation. As a result, I paid a much lower fine and my insurance rates did not go up. I did not even have to appear in court, as Mr. Wolfberg took care of everything. I have told everyone I know about the outstanding service Mr. Wolfberg provided and the excellent outcome he achieved for me. I hope I never get another speeding ticket, but if I do, my first call will be to NotSpeeding.com. Thank you, Mr. Wolfberg!"  
Tony G., Cornwall, NY 
"Attorney Wolfberg handled my Speeding Ticket case in Schuyler Town Court flawlessly! I had just purchased a new sports car and within the first week was stopped for speeding. I hadn't been stopped in years and not knowing where to turn, I chose Matisyahu to handle my case. He was extremely professional, forthright and hard working. He had my speeding violation reduced to a parking ticket! What an outcome, I cannot thank him enough!" 
Sean R., Andover MA 
"I blew off a speeding ticket from some podunk town in Upstate New York and then they were going to suspend my license. Mr. Wolfberg stepped in and got it reduced to an infraction, and I didn't even have to show up."
Franco D., New York 
"I was cruising down the road in Orangetown, New York, when I got stopped for speeding.  The officer said I had 8 New York suspensions dating back 18 years ago, apparently from tickets I never "took care of."  Although I am a NJ driver, the cop arrested me on the spot and give me a speeding ticket to add insult to injury.  Luckily my wife was there to bail me out.  I live in NJ and drive to work to Connecticut and I must drive through New York.  After getting arrested, I was told that I may not drive in NY.  My wife had to drive me around, and my partner was getting nervous because I wasn't showing up to work.  It was h*ll!  I hired Mr. Wolfberg and he managed get an earlier trial and to reduce the misdemeanor charge to an infraction and to have the speeding charge reduced also.  He helped keep the peace between me and wife, besides getting me back on the road in NY.  I am very thankful."
Ross A., New Jersey
I am pleased that the outcome of the 8 point summons in Westmoreland Town Court was exactly the one that you presented to me as the likely resolution when I decided to use your services. I have to say that in today's world when more and more businesses overstate the quality of their services or the features of their products managing the customer's expectations has become a lost skill. I therefore commend you for that.  I already recommended a friend to you and he was also pleased with the resolution of his ticket even though it was for a smaller offense. Thank you, I will keep your number in my rolodex with the hope of never calling you again...lol."

Eugene P. Fresh Meadows, NY.
"I had three very old tickets in Town of Ramapo, NY, that I kept pushing off, until I had to go to court.  I couldn't miss a day of work to sit in court all day.  Mr. Wolfberg managed to reduce the tickets non-speeding offenses, with the minimal fines.  It was a miracle." 
Simon S., New York
"I got into an accident and the officer gave me a ticket for unsafe passing in Spring Valley, NY.  My lawyer got it reduced to a seatbelt ticket." 
Sherry S., New York
"My son got a speeding ticket far from home in Sandford Town Court, Broome County, and we would have to miss work and school to contest it - or take a big hit on points and insurance. What a relief to find someone we could trust to take care of it! Definitely worth the fee, great results. Thanks!"   
V. Gregg, Croton on Hudson, NY
"With Notspeeding.com, I was able to successfully fight my ticket from the comfort of my own home. Thanks for the great work!!!" 
Cameron M., Toronto, ON Canada
"Awesome!!!!  "I was facing a license suspension after receiving a ticket for doing 83 in a 65 in Town of Amity Court. Matisyahu had it reduced to a parking ticket which carries no points. Great Job!! I will recommend you to my friends!!" Thanks for the great service. 
Chris B., Mt. Lebanon, PA
"I barely nicked the back of another car, at it turns out that the driver was the wife of a retired cop.  She called the Edison, NJ police who promptly gave me a ticket for Careless Driving.  I called NotSpeeding.com, and it was the best call I could make.  Mr. Wolfberg came down to Edison with me and got it down to an point Obstructing Traffic ticket, with a very low fine!" 
Gobardhan B, CA
"I am very satisfied with the services of NotSpeeding.com. Mr. Wolfberg handled my 6 point speeding ticket case in Woodbury Town Court efficiently and diligently, and was always willing and available to answer my questions. He got the Court to reduce a serious speeding violation to a minor infraction. While I learned my lesson and hope I will never be in this situation again, I will certainly recommend his services to everybody I know. Best regards,"
Rafael C., Monroe, New York
"Dear Wolfberg, thank you for handling my Liberty Town Court speeding case at the last moment and having good results. I appreciate your good services at very reasonable fee. Once again thank you for saving my 6 demerit points."
Inderpal G., Ontario, Canada

“My experience with NotSpeeding.com and Mr. Wolfberg was very professional.  After listening to my 4 Point Speeding ticket case in Greenburgh Town Court, Mr. Wolfberg assured me that he would do the best that he could to resolve the issue.  He got it down to no points.  He was very professional and knowledgeable and I would recommend his services to anyone that has to deal with a speeding ticket.” 
Meagan K., Monsey, NY

"I used NotSpeeding.com for a speeding ticket I got while in Goshen, NY. For any Ontario driver who has this same problem, let me assure you that NotSpeeding.com can help you out. The ticket was reduced from a 4 points to a no points speeding tickets, which obviously helps immensely. He's definitely competitively priced (a whole lot less than other perhaps more well known sites), but is very effective and a pleasure to interact with. The whole process was completely stress free, and you can't argue with the results!"
Terry D., Ontario, Canada

"Thanks for reducing my 77/55 in Mahwah Municipal Court, NJ down to a no point obstructing traffic ticket."

Aaron S., Lakewood, NJ 

"Mr. Wolfberg, Thank you for taking care of this problem and reducing the 10 points I was facing to a mere 2 points.  I had gotten a 4 point ticket with two 3 point children not in seatbelt tickets in Pembroke Town Court.   I think the deal is better than I expected.   Your involvement in this case took lot of burden (6 hour trip one way) and also gave me more relief than I expected. Thank you. Regards,"

Dharmendra P., Allentown, PA 
"My weekend getaway last June was ruined before it started. I was in Fishkill, New York on Rte. 84 in New York driving a rented car that was unfamiliar to me. Before I even knew what was happening I was being pulled over for speeding. The officer was nice enough to give me a ticket for thirty miles over the limit. This is the worst thing I was ever stopped for in forty years of driving. I always stop at stop signs and never speed. My friends call me "Slow Poke." Needless to say, that was a potential 6 points on my license and a major bump in insurance premium. What was I to do? All weekend I was worried (and angry at myself) about this ticket. I wanted to maintain my pristine driving record. I drive for a living. Actually it could have cost me my job! I came home and got on the Internet and Googled "speeding NY'. The search came up with notspeeding.com. I went to the website and read all the things people were saying about their service. I contacted them and faxed my ticket. Time passed as I waited for word from court. Last week they told me I had a jury trial. I contacted attorney Wolfberg and he assured me I did not need to attend court. A couple of days later I got results. Charges reduced, only two points, no surcharge and $155 fine. I am one happy camper! I highly recommend this law office. Thank you notspeeding.com." 
Cliff L. Derby, CT
"When I got a 6 point speeding ticket in Woodridge Village Court - Sullivan County, New York, I contacted my good buddy Matis Wolfberg, at Notspeeding.com.  He had previously worked out a no point plea bargain for minor ticket that I had received earlier this year in Ramapo Town Court.  Anyhoo, I wasn't sure what Matis could do this latest ticket, 6 points is a lot, and it is a small town.  Furthermore, the District Attorney offered me through the mail a plea to a lower speed!  I spoke with Matis who couldn't guarantee the results but said he would try his hardest.  We'll good news, the 6 point speeding ticket just became a $100 parking ticket which won't show up on my record.  Matis was well worth the money... once again!"  Avigdor W., Brooklyn, NY
"I was trying to get out of the way of an emergency vehicle on the belt parkway, well, the cop stopped me and slammed me with the following tickets in Brooklyn South TVB:  3 point Failure to Yield, 2 point failure to signal, 3 point unsafe lane change, 4 point following too closely, 3 point speed imprudent (whatever that means!).  For a grand total of 15 points.  Needless to say, I needed a lawyer.  I looked on line and found Mr. Wolfberg's site.  Although I was hesitant at first, I really had no choice but to hire the best in the business.  So, I took a chance and now...2 years later... I got the results, they were not reduced... they were all dismissed.  15 Points BAYBEEE!  Thank you is not enough Mr. Wolfberg!"  Antigonos A., Brooklyn New York
"Let's see... an 8 point speeding ticket, 3 point unsafe lane change and 2 point failure to signal in Queens North TVB, that's 13 points and suspension if do my math correctly.  And the envelope please....  ALL THREE DISMISSED!"  Evan H., Smithtown, NY
"Thank you Matis! I appreciate your work in getting my improper passing ticket in Brooklyn South TVB Dismissed."  Abraham H., Monsey, New York

 "You guys rendered the 3-point red light ticket in Manhattan South TVB to nothing in Manhattan. You guys totally have my referral. In fact I learned of you guys from a friend of mine. And I heard you won his second case with you guys as well. any thumbs up! Totally worth the money! Thank you SO SO much!" Henry C., Brooklyn, New York

"Wonderful job, they told me speeding tickets in Staten Island TVB were impossible to beat.  Apparently for the team at NYCSpeeding it is possible, because you just got my 77/50 dismissed!"  Israel B., Brooklyn, NY

"Dear Mr. Wolfberg, You did it! Wow! Thank you for making my 6 point speeding ticket in Queens North TVB go away. What a pleasure it was to do business with you. You answered e-mails and telephone calls, gave me good advice and persisted for 2 1/2 years. I couldn't ask for more. A consummate professional, a "mentsh" and a good result. Thank you so very much. Linda A., New York York. 

"You got my 6 point speeding ticket in Bronx TVB dismissed. You are the best !!! , I will certainly send you as many referrals as possible!"  Vincent R., Melville, New York 

"Mr. Wolfberg saved me from getting 6 POINTS on my license in Suffolk County TVB (Hauppauge) and also saved me from paying over $300.00 in fines and court fees. It's as if it never happened. No points, no fines, and my insurance completely unaffected. I highly recommend Mr.Wolfberg be hired for any and all moving violations. Thank you Mr.Wolfberg you are truly the best." M. Cabrera, Montclair, NJ 

"Thank you very much for getting my 2 point sign violation in Brooklyn South TVB DISMISSED!" Alexis S., Staten Island, New York

Thank you Mr. Wolfberg for getting my ticket in Queens South TVB DISMISSED. As usual you do your best and it shows. You got my stop light ticket dismissed, along with the points. I refer your web sight to many of my friends cause you do your best for the ones who choose you. Thanx again for a job well done. I hope this is the last time ,but if not I will definitely use you again." Paul K. Flushing, NY

"After getting a NO TURN summons in the Bronx TVB borough of NEW YORK CITY, I hired Wolfberg and Associates to fight the summons in the horribly one sided New York City DMV. Surprisingly, I received news that my NO TURN ticket was dismissed on the first hearing date! Wolfberg & Associates are highly recommended.  WOLFBERG AND ASSOCIATES are AWESOME....."  
John S., Bronx, New York

"Mr. Wolfberg, This is great news. Your service was definitely effective and simple.  You managed to get my 8 point speeding ticket and 3 point unsafe lane change tickets in Queens North TVB DIMISSED Your update reports to me on the progress were helpful and set me at ease that you were working on the case. Thank you for your help.  Regards," David F.

"I made a right turn on red in New York City. Being a New Jersey driver, I wasn't aware that this is illegal in NYC. I was facing a 3 point ticket in the Queens North TVB. I learnt from my internet search that ticket in NYC TVB is very hard to fight. But also I found NYCSpeding.com from my search. Naturally, I was very skeptical, but I decided to take the chance and called Mr. Wolfberg. After the first and only call, everything is efficiently done via emails. This week I received an email stating that my case was dismissed....no fine! no points! no nothing! it is as if it never happened!! If you are skeptical, don't be. NYCSpeding.com is real and spectacular! Thank you Mr. Wolfberg." Sandi H., Parsippany, NJ

"Great working getting my 6 pointer dismissed in Queens North TVB."  
Asher G., Monsey, NY

"Mosheach……You really are a miracle worker …….How do you do it (getting my 6 point speeding ticket in Suffolk County TVB Dismissed ….Don’t tell me …Maybe I don’t really want to know !!!!! ALL THE BEST TO YOU AND YOURS !!!!!!!" 
Gary C., New Hyde Park, New York

"I received a 4-point speeding ticket on the NY Thruway for going 83 in a 65 miles per hour zone in Athens Town Court. Mr. Wolfberg worked his magic and arranged a plea bargain which resulted in no points and a minimal fine. And best of all, I didn't have to take off of work and drive 2 hours to the town where the ticket was issued. If you have a speeding ticket and are facing a potentially costly fine and insurance increases due to points, don't do anything until you call Mr. Wolfberg  Best regards."
 Marcia Teaneck, NJ
"Mr. Wolfberg I really must thank you for your services. I am a Canadian and I was caught in upstate NY (Cornwall Town Court) speeding in a hospital zone on the wrong side of the road. I thought for sure I was getting slapped with a massive fine and tons of points because the officer was very aggressive and impolite. After searching the web I found a lawyer to represent me and all of Mr. Wolfbergs responses were prompt and all my questions were answered. I must say I was extremely impressed to get the final call telling me the results of the case. In fact I was quite shocked to find out that he managed to get only a menial fine and zero points. It made my week! As excellent as Mr. Wolfbergs services were, hopefully I will not them in the future because I’ve learnt my lesson. Sincerely," 
Marc V. Montreal, Quebec Canada
I got an 11 point speeding ticket and a 6 point speeding ticket within a stretch of about 10 minutes in Plattsburgh Town Court and Ausable Town Court.  For those of you who are slow in math, that is a total of 17 points, suspension and revocation of my NY CDL license.  I turned to Mr. Wolfberg who has resolved many of my tickets in the past and voila!  Mr. Wolfberg was able to save me from suspension and revocation!"  
Yissucher G., Monsey, New York
"Though I have been driving for many years abroad, I only passed by New York Driving Test in the spring of 2007 after moving to the US. After a summer of driving from Manhattan to the Hamptons every weekend, I had managed to collect 2 speeding tickets (82 in a 55 from Riverhead, Long Island and 62 in a 40 from Southampton, Long Island) within the first 6 months of having my license (i.e. a "New Driver"), and I was looking at a likely suspension and many dollars of fines. I employed the services of Mr Wolfberg who managed to do the impossible and have both offences reduced dramatically to the point where I took no points on my license whatsoever. I would thoroughly recommend his services to anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation - he clearly understands the system and uses that to your advantage."
A.W., New York City, NY
There are so many testimonials that I had to continue them here, on a another web page.

 Fax us your ticket
we'll take a look 
 (877) 742-2268 
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Matisyahu Wolfberg, P.C.- Attorney At Law
attorney advertising
25 Robert Pitt Drive, Suite 211  Monsey, New York 10952
phone (877) 965-3237   ||  fax
  (877) 742-2268